Rickard Englund
Rickard Englund
Just autoloaded a network with following errors and a lot of connections are missing. ``` 07:50:27.269 ProcessorNetwork workspacemanager.cpp 95 There were errors while loading workspace: E:/worktrees/inviwo-bloodflow 07:50:27.273 ProcessorNetwork workspacemanager.cpp 97...
It seems the restore network feature only works once. If there is a crash when loading the autosaved network you can't restore it again on the next startup, the restore...
If you right-click on the scrollbars of the network editor you get a quite ugly context menu 
Steps to reproduce: 1. Add an Image layout and connect it to a canvas 2. Change layout in the Image Layout processor to "Single" 3. Add two connects (from e.g....
Steps to reproduce: 1. Add a canvas 2. Check the "Separate Image Size" boolean 3. Uncheck the "Lock Aspect Ratio" boolean 4. Set the "Image Size" to anything but 256x256...
Currently, warnings are printed while configuring cmake if there are modules in IVW_EXTERNAL_MODULES that depends on some module that is not in IVW_EXTERNAL_MODULES (or inviwo-core). For example, in my repo...
At the moment we can only set a buffer to use either `BufferUsage::Dynamic` or `BufferUsage::Static` resulting in `GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW` and `GL_STATIC_DRAW` respectively. This should be extented to enable all suported by...
We have a regression test with a float image as output. The ref and test images is saved as png. The format of the png (in the git repo) is... Seems to be related to python
If a one tries to create a composite processor with a port that is not registered the network is "broken". Sometimes it fails with a error message saying the the...