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Results 77 topgrade issues
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## What did you expect to happen? topgrade to run normally ## What actually happened? It didn't ## Additional Details - Which operating system or Linux distribution are you using?...

## Standards checklist: - [x] The PR title is descriptive. - [x] The code compiles (`cargo build`) - [x] The code passes rustfmt (`cargo fmt`) - [x] The code passes...

Nobara is a Fedora based distro. cat /etc/os-release NAME="Nobara Linux" VERSION="36 (KDE Plasma)" ID=nobara VERSION_ID=36 VERSION_CODENAME="" PLATFORM_ID="platform:f36" PRETTY_NAME="Nobara Linux 36 (KDE Plasma)" ANSI_COLOR="0;38;2;60;110;180" LOGO=nobara-logo-icon CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:nobaraproject:nobara:36" HOME_URL="" DOCUMENTATION_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT="Nobara"...

topgrade already uses nala if available on Debian and Ubuntu, but not on Termux. It should use nala on Termux if it's installed.

## Standards checklist: I have not tested this change in any way. - [x] The PR title is descriptive. - [ ] The code compiles (`cargo build`) - [ ]...

## What did you expect to happen? Python packages should have updated. Running `pip3 list --outdated --format=freeze | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1...

## I want to suggest a new step ### Which tool is this about? Where is its repository? -> bundler-auto-update is a ruby gem that updates the gems listed...

## What did you expect to happen? The same steps are performed within WSL when Topgrade is run from Windows compared to when run directly in WSL. ## What actually...

Add FreeBSD port url where could be found instructions to build topgrade from source and packages available. Nuno Teixeira FreeBSD Ports Committer ## Standards checklist: - [x] The PR title...

Hello, What architectures do topgrade run? It fails for i386 arch, [full build log]( ``` error: failed to run custom build command for `sys-info v0.9.1` Caused by: process didn't exit...