bp-reply-by-email copied to clipboard
Would it be possible to add activity updates to a group via email too?
I appreciate this might need some additional tweak if people are in multiple groups, but it would be a great feature...
Hi 3ruce,
Thanks for posting!
BP Reply By Email already offers posting new group forum topics by email.
In my opinion, since activity updates do not contain a subject line like a group forum topic I'm reluctant to add this in. If you don't have group forums installed, then I can understand how this feature might be of use to your site.
Replying to activity updates via email should be enough.
Also, just curious, if you have the plugin running on your site, how is it doing?
Hi r-a-y,
Thank you for your speedy response... and thank you too for your suggestions...
Maybe I have a different use case. I appreciate that your plugin does 'reply by email' and 'start a new forum topic by email' really well. I'm coming from another angle which is encouraging group members to add a daily update to a group's activity feed via email.
If you've got a great/busy site, reply by email works really well in active forums but groups in my site are going to stay around 10 - 15 people given the nature of the site itself...
Maybe I'm talking about a new feature set or even a new plugin?
Another way of looking at it might be - and I'm just thinking aloud here - adding activity updates by email can increase group activity for those users who are already emailing - maybe the subject line refers to a particular group or isn't parsed and added to the activity update (I'm not sure here as I don't know how the plugin works in detail)
Also, on another note, do you do any custom development work around wordpress or do you have any recommendations for people that do?
Have a great weekend...
Hello, I think using the http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress-group-email-subscription/ plugin, you can achieve what you're trying, because that allows different types of subscription, including a day and weeks