It would be nice to have an `IN` filter as an option when filtering table data. - for number like columns an input of `1,2,3` should lead to `"my_column" IN...
I just thought it might be nice if the navigation through the tables would be easier and quicker. Right now if I'm in a table and want to follow a...
It would be nice if the saved query files could be renamed by double-clicking. Currently you have to open the context menu and choose `rename`. Postico version: version 2.0beta (6492)...
An option to threat numeric values as just text would be helpful. It could be represented by offering a `none` option in the _decimal_ section of the footer bar. I...
I'm subscribing to the `@update` event to load more data, when the scroller has reached the end. I would have expected that the event fires when the indices of the...
I noticed a while ago the following behaviour: when starting a new line the cursor appears to get stuck on the start of the line if the line contains only...
I just had a situation, where I wanted to create a second (partial + unique) index for a column that already has an index. Postico autogenerates a name, but since...
I helped a colleague recently where a crash in the CSV import screen lead to postico being unusable. I can't give you a full reproduction of the bug, but here...
I think this is an artefact, from removing the suffixes of the query files ... not a big issue, but not hiding the suffixes would be better for directories
As mentioned in #144 I did run into a situations where _text_ filter options are useful for _uuid_ columns. These should not be the default and performance is not the...