ng-terminal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ng-terminal copied to clipboard

NgTerminal is a terminal component on Angular. the Ivy distribution's been released from v5.0.0.

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NgTerminal is a web terminal that leverages xterm.js on Angular 12+. You can easily add it into your application by adding <ng-terminal></ng-terminal> into your component.

NgTerminal provides some features including xtermjs. You can adjust dimensions of a terminal by dragging and to fix the number of rows and cols. New usuful features should be added continuously.


npm install ng-terminal --save

Run an example locally

You can run an example in your local environment.

  1. git clone
  2. npm install
  3. npm run start

Getting started

Import NgTerminalModule in your AppModule.

import { NgTerminalModule } from 'ng-terminal';
    imports: [

And put <ng-terminal> into a source code of Component. Now a web terminal appears where you code it. The terminal will do nothing first. So, you should define how to operate.

  <ng-terminal #term></ng-terminal>

You can print or do something on the terminal with NgTerminal object which has some APIs for developers. You can get it by using @ViewChild in your component. It is important that an object of NgTerminalComponent is populated after ngAfterViewInit() is called.

You can print something in a terminal by passing them to the NgTerminal.write() function as an argument as follows, as soon as it receives user inputs from the terminal.

export class YourComponent implements AfterViewInit{
  @ViewChild('term', { static: true }) child: NgTerminal;
    this.child.keyEventInput.subscribe(e => {
      console.log('keyboard event:' + e.domEvent.keyCode + ', ' + e.key);

      const ev = e.domEvent;
      const printable = !ev.altKey && !ev.ctrlKey && !ev.metaKey;

      if (ev.keyCode === 13) {
        this.child.write('\n' + FunctionsUsingCSI.cursorColumn(1) + '$ '); // \r\n
      } else if (ev.keyCode === 8) {
        if ( > 2) {
          this.child.write('\b \b');
      } else if (printable) {



There are two ways to control the terminal. A first way is passing the arguments to input/output properties. API in NgTerminal is also a way to control the terminal. You can get a instance of NgTerminal by using @ViewChild.

Input/Output properties

Four properties (dataSource, rows, cols and draggable) are helpful to construct your temrinal. Check here.

<ng-terminal #term [dataSource]="writeSubject" (keyEvent)="onKeyEvent($event)" 


NgTerminal is a interface to provide public APIs you can call directly. You can get a object by using @ViewChild with a type of NgTerminal.

  import { NgTerminal } from 'ng-terminal';
  @ViewChild('term', { static: true }) child: NgTerminal;

Underlying object (Xtermjs)

You can control a instance of the xtermjs directly by getting a property of underlying. Check out API of the Terminal from the API document.


ng-terminal uses only one addon which is fit to support the resize feature. If you want to use other addons, you can apply them to a underlying object. Maybe you can do that without any problem.

Control sequences

Control sequences is a programing interface to control terminal emulators. There are functions to return control sequences in a class of FunctionUsingCSI.

    import { FunctionsUsingCSI } from 'ng-terminal';
    const sequences = "data..1" + FunctionsUsingCSI.cursorBackward(1) + '2';

You can find official supported terminal sequences in Supported Terminal Sequences. An article and what-are-terminal-sequences are also helpful. For example, you can move a cursor down by passing \x1b[1E to write(). Try in the sample page


NgTerminal is developed with Angular CLI. You can always write issue and contribute through PR to master branch.

Available commands

  • Running an example app in your environment: npm start
  • Testing ng-terminal: npm test
  • Creating a tarball for testing with external angular apps: npm run local
  • (Travis) Creating a static page for this project: npm run page
  • (Maintainer) Deploying a library to the npm registry: npm run publish