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Enhance Distributor to describe Owner and Operator roles
A need raised by @varietta: Some datasets coming from Geocom Esri model allow to specifiy for a water element its owner and a different operator, for instance when the owner is a public authority and the operator a private company. QGEP has it already.
SIA figures the following values only for pipes and abstraction installation :
- proprietaire
- exploitant
- concessionnaire
- responsable de l'entretien
@haubourg do you have some news about that topic? Will it be implemented in the next release?
@varrieta Hi Valentine, well, nothing has been prioritized yet this year on that front. We are waiting for user's priorities. So two solutions here:
- ping @qwat/qwat-psc to see if that fits into QWAT's group priorities. I have no visibility on that yet.
- have someone do it for you direclty (ping me privatly). I think @lbartoletti would be delighted to implement that.
Wll for now, we will go with the first option, because it is not urgent yet. But I keep the second solution in mind, thanks
@haubourg QWAT and QGEP should have similar logics in this matter.
Actually in Pully, propriétaire, exploitant, responsable de l'entretien are the same organisation.
SIA goes further by adding data_owner, provider distinction for example.
This requires a generic organisation table.
Since priority is always what really matters, I would suggest to ask what gain do you have in entering this kind of distinction / information, for what need/product it has to be entered (because then, it's quite heavy to maintain such information if you have 2-4 fields per object describing this).