Nimit Kalra

Results 34 comments of Nimit Kalra

This is a great idea; thanks, @Jujuedv! Also, just implemented this. Let me know what you think!

In this case, wouldn't it just be best to push to one of the remotes (preferably the default)? That way the code is at least in one remote and no...

With paralellization, the remotes with a password would just be left at the prompt while the other remotes would be pushed to. This ensures that the code is pushed everywhere...

Line 293 does not create a symbolic link `python.exe`; it creates a symbolic link `python` to the `python.exe` that is created upon compilation. See the [`ln man page`]( for more...

I can attempt to help with the "Unable to compile" error you are getting. Could you provide your operating system and the Python version you are trying to activate? Additionally,...

I was not aware of the change in extension. Good find! Yes, I think it'd be a good idea to check the platform and add (or not add) an extension...

See my response on #11. We must check for the existence of `python.exe` prior to creating the symbolic link as if `python.exe` does not exist (due to a compilation error,...

What's the exact error message, @shakna-israel?

Not at the moment. This is a neat idea; I'll add it to the TODO. :+1:

Can this be closed, @hemanth?