neural-collage copied to clipboard
NeuralCollage_demo.ipynb TypeError
Hello, I run NeuralCollage_demo.ipynb in colab. It show TypeError. How can it work pretty?
# perform blending
arguments = "--gpu 0 \
--config ./configs/sn_projection_dog_and_cat_256_scbn.yml \
--snapshot sn_projection_dog_and_cat_256_large/ResNetGenerator_450000.npz \
--results_dir log/log/gen_spatially_interpolated_images_with_feature_blend \
--z1 ./src.npy \
--z2 ./ref.npy \
--class_mask ./examples/mask_1.png \
--classes {} {}".format(target_class, src_class)
!python evaluations/ $arguments
(45, 99)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "evaluations/", line 141, in <module>
File "evaluations/", line 124, in main
x = gen.spatial_interpolation(zs=[z1, z2], weights=ws, blends=blends)
File "gen_models/", line 77, in spatial_interpolation
hs.append(chainer.Variable(self.xp.zeros_like(hs[0]))) # dummy
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/cupy/creation/", line 238, in zeros_like
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/cupy/creation/", line 42, in _new_like_order_and_strides
order = chr(_update_order_char(a, ord(order)))
TypeError: Argument 'x' has incorrect type (expected cupy.core.core.ndarray, got Variable)
Hi!I encountered the same problem as you during training. Have you solved it?