userscripts copied to clipboard
UserScripts 4.0.9 upgrade caused the extension to disappear from Safari
After updating to US 4.0.9 from the App Store, the UserScripts extension no longer appears in the extensions list in Safari. Launching the app says that the Safari Extension State is Unknown.
System Information:
macOS version: 12.1 (Intel) Userscripts version: 4.0.9 (41) Safari version: 15.2 (17612. Is this issue related to script injection? No Did the test script (pasted above) successfully run on your machine? N/A
Thanks for reporting this.
I have a test machine, running 11.6.2 that I just ran the update procedure on from 3.3.1 -> 4.0.9 and didn't experience this. I wonder if it has something to do with macOS 12.
Did you have Safari open when you updated? Have you restarted Safari? Have you given the extension permission to run in Safari? (apologies for the simple questions, just checking)
Looking through the logs I don't see anything that clearly indicates what is going in. If you have open and are streaming, then subsequently open, and then filter the console by "userscripts" you should see any errors related to the app and extension.
Safari Extension State is Unknown.
In my experience, that indicates the app is not able to "communicate" with Safari properly, but that shouldn't be the case here.
Any additional information you can provide via the console method mentioned above would be super helpful.
If all else fails these steps should, hopefullym resolve any lingering issues:
back up any userscripts you have in
- navigate to
and delete any folders named "Userscripts" - navigate to
~/User/Library/Group Containers/
and delete any folders with "userscripts" in the name- ex.
- ex.
- close safari
- reinstall extension
Doing the above will remove any settings you've made previously, such as the built in editor settings and which scripts are toggled on/off.
Did all of the above, but it didn't change anything. Here's the output from launching Userscripts:
debug 14:35:00.706420-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsManagedSource<0x6000009b9600> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: an empty base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:00.706475-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9900> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: an empty base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:00.706576-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9a80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: a new base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:00.708293-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsManagedSource<0x6000009b9580> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: an empty base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:00.708323-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9500> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: an empty base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:00.708343-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9680> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: an empty base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:00.708364-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsManagedSource<0x6000009b9800> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: an empty base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:00.708482-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9700> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: a new base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:00.709045-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: a new base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:00.709486-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key AppleLanguages in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.737404-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(7471166,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.737555-0800 2274 Userscripts Creating an xpc connection to launchservicesd,
debug 14:35:00.737587-0800 2274 Userscripts CONNECTION = (Connection) <connection: 0x600001ebc000> { name =, listener = false, pid = 0, euid = 4294967295, egid = 4294967295, asid = 4294967295 }, setting event handler & resuming
debug 14:35:00.737714-0800 2274 Userscripts kLSXPCInitializeConnection: sending = {clientversion=277872640U, session=100003, command=100, }
debug 14:35:00.737905-0800 2274 Userscripts kLSXPCInitializeConnection: reply = {session=100003, success=true, serverversion=277872640U, }
debug 14:35:00.738409-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:00.738456-0800 2274 Userscripts SHARED MEMORY: { 100003="LSSharedMemory: sessionID=100003 refs=2" }
debug 14:35:00.739842-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key AppleLanguages in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.739896-0800 2274 Userscripts Language lookup at <private>
Localizations : [Base, en]
Dev language : en
User prefs : [en-US]
Main bundle : [<null>]
Allow mixed : 0
Result : [en]
debug 14:35:00.739914-0800 2274 Userscripts Using ~ resources
debug 14:35:00.740175-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : InfoPlist type: strings
Result : None
debug 14:35:00.740204-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : InfoPlist type: strings
Result : None
debug 14:35:00.740227-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : InfoPlist type: strings
Result : None
debug 14:35:00.753644-0800 2274 Userscripts -- adding "<LSNotificationReceiverRef 0x6000015a82d0 [0x7ff8456f8d70]>" to getActiveLSNotificationReceiverRefs set
debug 14:35:00.754221-0800 2274 Userscripts key="LSDisableAllPostLaunchBringForwardRequests" result=false valid=YES
debug 14:35:00.754239-0800 2274 Userscripts key="LSFrontReservationExists" result=false valid=YES
debug 14:35:00.754251-0800 2274 Userscripts _RegisterApplication(), setting bringForward to true since application was not launched by LS.
debug 14:35:00.754264-0800 2274 Userscripts key="LSFrontReservationExists" result=false valid=YES
default 14:35:00.754276-0800 2274 Userscripts BringForward: pid=2274 asn=0x0-0xdf0df bringForward=1 foreground=1 uiElement=0 launchedByLS=1 modifiersCount=1 allDisabled=0
debug 14:35:00.754287-0800 2274 Userscripts key="LSMouseButtonDown" result=false valid=YES
debug 14:35:00.754301-0800 2274 Userscripts key="LSUserActivityCount" result=0 valid=YES
default 14:35:00.754312-0800 2274 Userscripts BringFrontModifier: pid=2274 asn=0x0-0xdf0df Modifier 0 hideAfter=0 hideOthers=0 dontMakeFrontmost=0 mouseDown=0/0 seed=0/0
debug 14:35:00.754323-0800 2274 Userscripts _RegisterApplication(), bringing application 0x-0-0xdf0df forward at launch time
default 14:35:00.754332-0800 2274 Userscripts BringForward: pid=2274 asn=0x0-0xdf0df
default 14:35:00.754343-0800 2274 Userscripts SetFrontProcess: asn=0x0-0xdf0df options=0
debug 14:35:00.755808-0800 2274 Userscripts Calling block with kLSNotifyBecameFrontmost { "LSOtherASN"=ASN:0x0-0xdd0dd:, "LSMenuBarOwnerASN"=ASN:0x0-0xdf0df:, "LSMenuBarOwnerApplicationSeed"=161, "ApplicationType"="Foreground", "LSASN"=ASN:0x0-0xdf0df:, "LSFrontApplicationSeed"=182, "CFBundleIdentifier"="com.userscripts.macos" } notificationID=100003 id=0x6000015ac360
default 14:35:00.766758-0800 2274 Userscripts Failed to copy the SysCfgDict MG key with error: 0
debug 14:35:00.766822-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSColorSimulateHardwareAccent in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.767541-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsManagedSource<0x6000009a1600> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: an empty base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:00.767600-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009a1700> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: an empty base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:00.768208-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsManagedSource<0x6000009a1580> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: an empty base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:00.768240-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009a1480> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: an empty base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:00.768342-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009a1680> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: a new base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:00.768472-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key increaseContrast in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009a1680> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009a1500> (Domain:, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.768510-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key showToolbarButtonShapes in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009a1500> (Domain:, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.768584-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : Aqua type: car
Result : file:///System/Library/CoreServices/SystemAppearance.bundle/Contents/Resources/
debug 14:35:00.768975-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSUseDebugAppearance in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.769067-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : FauxVibrantLight type: car
Result : file:///System/Library/CoreServices/SystemAppearance.bundle/Contents/Resources/
debug 14:35:00.769340-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : VibrantLight type: car
Result : file:///System/Library/CoreServices/SystemAppearance.bundle/Contents/Resources/
default 14:35:00.769861-0800 2274 Userscripts Post-registration system appearance: (HLTB: 1)
debug 14:35:00.770492-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSSafeApertureCompatibilityFallbackEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.845233-0800 2274 Userscripts Creating CSStore from XPC coder with length 15466496
debug 14:35:00.845278-0800 2274 Userscripts Checked CSStore data with lengths 15466496/14795064/15235664
debug 14:35:00.845537-0800 2274 Userscripts Checked CSStore data with lengths 15466496/14795064/15235664
debug 14:35:00.845937-0800 2274 Userscripts Loaded LS database with sequence number 83200
debug 14:35:00.845978-0800 2274 Userscripts Client database updated - seq#: 83200
debug 14:35:00.846046-0800 2274 Userscripts Creating binding evaluator for bundle info: ID=(null), name=<private>, CC=<private>, vers=(null)
debug 14:35:00.846064-0800 2274 Userscripts Running evaluator 0x700007d9c3a0
debug 14:35:00.846075-0800 2274 Userscripts Adding user preferences
debug 14:35:00.846086-0800 2274 Userscripts Skipping strong binding binding due to options
debug 14:35:00.846095-0800 2274 Userscripts Skipping weak binding due to options
debug 14:35:00.846103-0800 2274 Userscripts 0 bindings found
debug 14:35:00.846112-0800 2274 Userscripts Truncating a list of bindings to max 1 known-good ones.
debug 14:35:00.846271-0800 2274 Userscripts Adding and sorting bundles
debug 14:35:00.846499-0800 2274 Userscripts +++ <private> on V:4 (B:0x14500, C:0x0) (null)
debug 14:35:00.846551-0800 2274 Userscripts 1 bindings found
debug 14:35:00.846615-0800 2274 Userscripts Skipping xcode-select matching due to options
debug 14:35:00.846699-0800 2274 Userscripts Truncating a list of bindings to max 1 known-good ones.
debug 14:35:00.846873-0800 2274 Userscripts +++ <private> on V:4 (B:0x14500, C:0x0) (null)
debug 14:35:00.846936-0800 2274 Userscripts Best binding found for evaluator 0x700007d9c6f0: Userscripts on / (B:0x14500, C:0x0)
debug 14:35:00.846955-0800 2274 Userscripts Destroying binding evaluator 0x700007d9c3a0
debug 14:35:00.847060-0800 2274 Userscripts Destroying binding evaluator 0x700007d9c6f0
debug 14:35:00.847176-0800 2274 Userscripts Creating binding evaluator for bundle info: ID=(null), name=<private>, CC=<private>, vers=(null)
debug 14:35:00.847198-0800 2274 Userscripts Running evaluator 0x700007d9c230
debug 14:35:00.847232-0800 2274 Userscripts Adding user preferences
debug 14:35:00.847337-0800 2274 Userscripts Skipping strong binding binding due to options
debug 14:35:00.847368-0800 2274 Userscripts Skipping weak binding due to options
debug 14:35:00.847455-0800 2274 Userscripts 0 bindings found
debug 14:35:00.847548-0800 2274 Userscripts Truncating a list of bindings to max 1 known-good ones.
debug 14:35:00.847651-0800 2274 Userscripts Adding and sorting bundles
debug 14:35:00.847742-0800 2274 Userscripts +++ <private> on V:4 (B:0x14500, C:0x0) (null)
debug 14:35:00.847811-0800 2274 Userscripts 1 bindings found
debug 14:35:00.847894-0800 2274 Userscripts Skipping xcode-select matching due to options
debug 14:35:00.847973-0800 2274 Userscripts Truncating a list of bindings to max 1 known-good ones.
debug 14:35:00.848083-0800 2274 Userscripts +++ <private> on V:4 (B:0x14500, C:0x0) (null)
debug 14:35:00.848148-0800 2274 Userscripts Best binding found for evaluator 0x700007d9c580: Userscripts on / (B:0x14500, C:0x0)
debug 14:35:00.848222-0800 2274 Userscripts Destroying binding evaluator 0x700007d9c230
debug 14:35:00.855242-0800 2274 Userscripts NotifyToken::RegisterDispatch( fired for UID 502
debug 14:35:00.861340-0800 2274 Userscripts Constructing NSError NSOSStatusErrorDomain/-10813 at getValueForNode:1358
debug 14:35:00.861509-0800 2274 Userscripts Constructing NSError NSOSStatusErrorDomain/-10813 at _LSCopyLocalDatabase:705
debug 14:35:00.861536-0800 2274 Userscripts LS DB needs to be mapped into process 2274 for UID 502 (existing DB @ 0x0).
debug 14:35:00.861816-0800 2274 Userscripts Creating CSStore from XPC coder with length 15237120
debug 14:35:00.861851-0800 2274 Userscripts Checked CSStore data with lengths 15237120/14795064/15235664
debug 14:35:00.862018-0800 2274 Userscripts Checked CSStore data with lengths 15237120/14795064/15235664
debug 14:35:00.862396-0800 2274 Userscripts Loaded LS database with sequence number 83200
debug 14:35:00.862438-0800 2274 Userscripts Client database updated - seq#: 83200
debug 14:35:00.862500-0800 2274 Userscripts Creating binding evaluator for bundle info: ID=(null), name=<private>, CC=<private>, vers=(null)
debug 14:35:00.862524-0800 2274 Userscripts Running evaluator 0x7ff7bba31ad0
debug 14:35:00.862540-0800 2274 Userscripts Adding user preferences
debug 14:35:00.862587-0800 2274 Userscripts Skipping strong binding binding due to options
debug 14:35:00.862606-0800 2274 Userscripts Skipping weak binding due to options
debug 14:35:00.862622-0800 2274 Userscripts 0 bindings found
debug 14:35:00.862865-0800 2274 Userscripts Truncating a list of bindings to max 1 known-good ones.
debug 14:35:00.863163-0800 2274 Userscripts Adding and sorting bundles
debug 14:35:00.863457-0800 2274 Userscripts +++ <private> on V:4 (B:0x14500, C:0x0) (null)
debug 14:35:00.863637-0800 2274 Userscripts 1 bindings found
debug 14:35:00.871772-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSApplicationSafeApertureCompatibilityModeAppFullScreen in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.871798-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSApplicationSafeApertureCompatibilityModeWindowed in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.872220-0800 2274 Userscripts -- adding "<LSNotificationReceiverRef 0x6000015b8000 [0x7ff8456f8d70]>" to getActiveLSNotificationReceiverRefs set
debug 14:35:00.872606-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleTestLiveResize in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.872685-0800 2274 Userscripts CopyFrontApplication() = <private>
debug 14:35:00.872715-0800 2274 Userscripts GetFrontProcess(), psn=0x0,0xdf0df result=0
debug 14:35:00.873070-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSApplicationTraceGestureMask in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.873156-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSShowAllViews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.873187-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSShowSquishedViews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.873210-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSShowOverlappedViews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.873234-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSShowAlignmentRects in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.873259-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSShowUnalignedViews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.873281-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSShowAllDrawing in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.873430-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewShouldSwizzleODRForFirefox in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.873703-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSTighteningFactorForTruncation in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.873826-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSTighteningFactorForTruncation in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.874037-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSAllowsDefaultTighteningForTruncation in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.874221-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSUsesDefaultHyphenation in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.874433-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSDefaultHyphenationFactor in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.874495-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key AppleTextDirection in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9a80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.891021-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.891035-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.891045-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.891057-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.891066-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.891078-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.891088-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.893239-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.893264-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.893277-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.893287-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.893299-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.893307-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.893318-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.893327-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.893338-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.893403-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.893521-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.893589-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.893702-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898408-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898439-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898458-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898482-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898495-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898516-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898541-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898561-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898610-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898662-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898719-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898780-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898835-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898884-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.898941-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899003-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899054-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899104-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899152-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899208-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899259-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899316-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899365-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899415-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899467-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899522-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899569-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899626-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899672-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899718-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899769-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899827-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899874-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899950-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.899990-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.900046-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.900074-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.900099-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.900130-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.900180-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.900218-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.900249-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.900279-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.900309-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.900331-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.900377-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.900405-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.900435-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.900460-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.904736-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.904748-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.904776-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.904794-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.904805-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.904822-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.904833-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.904889-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.904962-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905019-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905097-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905191-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905273-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905323-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905361-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905421-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905464-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905519-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905560-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905611-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905657-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905713-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905761-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905827-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905874-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905932-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.905987-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906054-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906096-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906152-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906203-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906265-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906307-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906363-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906410-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906472-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906529-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906590-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906634-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906688-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906738-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906822-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.906872-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.911725-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.911744-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.911760-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.911778-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.911794-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.911813-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.911829-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.911848-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.911864-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.911959-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.912086-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.912195-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.912355-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.912513-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.912667-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.912775-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.912903-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.913028-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.913208-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.913336-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.913455-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.913577-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.913682-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.913836-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.913950-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.914082-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.914202-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.914305-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.914391-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.914506-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.914588-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.914690-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.914777-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.914869-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.914961-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11630922,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.915070-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11257535,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.923248-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSScreenIsMutable in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.923311-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSSingleWorkingColorSpace in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.923343-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSExtendedWorkingColorSpace in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.923369-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSLinearWorkingColorSpace in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.923437-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : InfoPlist type: strings
Result : None
debug 14:35:00.923479-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : InfoPlist type: strings
Result : None
debug 14:35:00.923508-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleMagnifiedMode in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.923710-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSDirectTouchAdditivePlacement in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.923763-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSEventConcurrentProcessingEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.923928-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleUsesLucidaGrandeSystemFont in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.924067-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key SystemUIFontSelect in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.924300-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleSystemFontOSSubversion in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.924537-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key AppleMenuBarFontSize in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.924797-0800 2274 Userscripts setting new value <private> for key <private> in CFPrefsSource<0x6000032b1800> (Domain: Volatile, User: , ByHost: No, Container: , Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:00.924841-0800 2274 Userscripts setting new value <private> for key <private> in CFPrefsSource<0x6000032b1800> (Domain: Volatile, User: , ByHost: No, Container: , Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:00.924899-0800 2274 Userscripts setting new value <private> for key <private> in CFPrefsSource<0x6000032b1800> (Domain: Volatile, User: , ByHost: No, Container: , Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:00.925009-0800 2274 Userscripts setting new value <private> for key <private> in CFPrefsSource<0x6000032b1800> (Domain: Volatile, User: , ByHost: No, Container: , Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:00.925203-0800 2274 Userscripts setting new value <private> for key <private> in CFPrefsSource<0x6000032b1800> (Domain: Volatile, User: , ByHost: No, Container: , Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:00.925312-0800 2274 Userscripts setting new value <private> for key <private> in CFPrefsSource<0x6000032b1800> (Domain: Volatile, User: , ByHost: No, Container: , Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:00.925524-0800 2274 Userscripts setting new value <private> for key <private> in CFPrefsSource<0x6000032b1800> (Domain: Volatile, User: , ByHost: No, Container: , Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:00.925946-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key NSFont in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.925993-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key NSFontSize in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.926194-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key NSFixedPitchFont in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.926302-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key NSFixedPitchFontSize in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.926389-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSTitleBarFont in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.926495-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSTitleBarFontSize in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.926651-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key NSSystemFont in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.926719-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key NSSystemFontSize in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.926835-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSMenuFont in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.926951-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSMenuFontSize in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.927126-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSMessageFont in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.927314-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSMessageFontSize in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.927422-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSPaletteFont in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.927551-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSPaletteFontSize in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.932985-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : SymbolTranslation type: plist
Result : file:///System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Resources/SymbolTranslation.plist
debug 14:35:00.933917-0800 2274 Userscripts Language lookup at <private>
Localizations : [ar, he, hi, ja, ko, th, zh-Hans, zh-Hant]
Dev language : en
User prefs : [en-US]
Main bundle : [en]
Allow mixed : 0
Result : []
debug 14:35:00.933976-0800 2274 Userscripts Language lookup at <private>
Localizations : [ar, he, hi, ja, ko, th, zh-Hans, zh-Hant]
Dev language : en_US
User prefs : [en-US]
Main bundle : [en]
Allow mixed : 0
Result : []
debug 14:35:00.934017-0800 2274 Userscripts Language lookup at <private>
Localizations : [ar, he, hi, ja, ko, th, zh-Hans, zh-Hant]
Dev language : ar
User prefs : [en-US]
Main bundle : [en]
Allow mixed : 0
Result : [ar]
debug 14:35:00.934145-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : Assets type: car
Result : file:///System/Library/CoreServices/CoreGlyphs.bundle/Contents/Resources/
debug 14:35:00.934497-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key CUIShowDebugLogs in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.939624-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSScreenDaisyLayout in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.941097-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSWindowHostsLayersInWindowServer in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.953651-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key AppleLanguages in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.953748-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSTextFieldCachesLayoutDuringLiveResize in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.953793-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSColorDebugWallpaperTintedColors in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.953923-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSStringDrawingDefaultRenderers in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.954031-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSFontCustomizationSupport in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.954469-0800 2274 Userscripts key="UIPresentationMode" result="Normal" valid=YES
debug 14:35:00.954507-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSWindowShouldAlwaysFloatTitlebar in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.954895-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewBackingLayerNeedsLayoutOnGeometryChange in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.954993-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewShouldSetDrawsAsynchronously in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.955034-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSUpdateLayerAfterUpdateGeometry in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.955419-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSToolbarItemUsesCurrentFrameAsMinMax in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.955496-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewIgnoreBadCursorRects in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.961431-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSTitlebarSeparatorAnimationDuration in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.961689-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSThemeFrameContentFillShouldApplyiMovieWorkaround in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.961822-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewRetainAutoreleaseRemovedSubviews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.962013-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSConstraintBasedLayoutEngageNonLazily in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.962357-0800 2274 Userscripts key="UIPresentationMode" result="Normal" valid=YES
debug 14:35:00.962668-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSTextFieldMaintainIntrinsicWidthForWrappers in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.962712-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSTextFieldGalaIntrinsicContentSizeBehavior in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.962773-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSCellShouldAskActiveFieldEditorForLayoutOnObjectValueChanges in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.963219-0800 2274 Userscripts key="UIPresentationMode" result="Normal" valid=YES
debug 14:35:00.963781-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSReportUnnecessaryLayoutCalls in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.963821-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSMightNeedToWorkAroundBadAdobeReleaseBug in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.963852-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSWindowsDisplayWhenScreenProfileChanges in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.963898-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSWindowShouldSaveCreationBacktraces in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.964020-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.964051-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSWindowTransformAnimationShouldDisableAnimationsForQuarkXPress in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.964129-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewKeepLayersAround in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.964164-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSWindowShouldSetContentViewToNilWhenRemoved in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.964194-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSWindowInitialFirstResponderCanBeWeak in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.964287-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSWarnUnmatchedViewUnlock in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.964360-0800 2274 Userscripts key="UIPresentationMode" result="Normal" valid=YES
debug 14:35:00.964484-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11325124,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:00.965050-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSCellShouldRedrawOnIdenticalObjectValueChanges in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.970732-0800 2274 Userscripts Bundle: <private>, key: o22-Sv-24f.title, value: Save Location:, table: Main, localizationName: (null), result: Save Location:
debug 14:35:00.971360-0800 2274 Userscripts Bundle: <private>, key: 7uq-ZI-ypV.title, value: Location, table: Main, localizationName: (null), result: Location
debug 14:35:00.971565-0800 2274 Userscripts Bundle: <private>, key: JmD-P7-oeo.title, value: Change, table: Main, localizationName: (null), result: Change
debug 14:35:00.972414-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewIgnoreBackgroundColorInSetValueForKey in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.974298-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsManagedSource<0x60000098df00> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: an empty base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
error 14:35:00.974344-0800 2274 Userscripts Couldn't read values in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x60000098d680> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: Yes): Using kCFPreferencesAnyUser with a container is only allowed for System Containers, detaching from cfprefsd
debug 14:35:00.986054-0800 2274 Userscripts Registering global observers
debug 14:35:00.986172-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key QLSeamlessOpeningAlwaysIgnorePIDCheck in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.986175-0800 2274 Userscripts Registering Launch Services observer
debug 14:35:00.986196-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key QLSeamlessOpeningAlwaysIgnorePIDCheck in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.986217-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.994581-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSUseCornerMasks in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.994889-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSPreserveLionBehaviorForShareKey in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.995120-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSWindowShowTabBarSubmenusInMainMenu in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.995388-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSEventDelayDiscardTrackingAreaEvents in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:00.995424-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key cursorIsCustomized in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009a1500> (Domain:, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.001069-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSVerifyRootOffsetDuringLayout in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.001101-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSConstraintBasedLayoutDetectAmbiguousViews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.001215-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewUpdatesAllConstraints in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.001291-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewPreserveAnimatingFrames in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.001317-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSForceExtraResizeSubviewsCallDuringLayout in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.001497-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSImageViewShowImageDrawingFrame in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.002473-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSButtonShowFrameOutlines in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.002598-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSButtonShowBaselines in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.004648-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewDoLayoutBeforeSetDefaultKeyViewLoop in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.004951-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key AppleKeyboardUIMode in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.005079-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSButtonCellUpdateTitleTextFieldValueShouldApplyNumbersWorkaround in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.009427-0800 2274 Userscripts Bundle: <private>, key: View, value: , table: MenuCommands, localizationName: (null), result: View
debug 14:35:01.009455-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSApplicationEnableGlobeShortcuts in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.009474-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSFullScreenMenuItemEverywhere in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.009494-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSAlwaysShowFeedbackMenu in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.009510-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSShowFeedbackMenu in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.009531-0800 2274 Userscripts Bundle: <private>, key: View, value: , table: MenuCommands, localizationName: (null), result: View
debug 14:35:01.009567-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSServicesDebugImportFromDeviceMenuItem in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.009634-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSMenuLoadsWeakDelegateWithoutRetainAutorelease in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.009691-0800 2274 Userscripts Bundle: <private>, key: Help, value: , table: MenuCommands, localizationName: (null), result: Help
debug 14:35:01.009846-0800 2274 Userscripts GetFrontProcess(), psn=0x0,0xdf0df result=0
debug 14:35:01.009983-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : InfoPlist type: strings
Result : None
debug 14:35:01.010973-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(3293024,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.011063-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(3299003,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.011274-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(3373452,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.011423-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(3382418,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.011626-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(3449277,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.012042-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSEnableAppKitMenuSystem in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.012192-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key AppleTextDirection in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9a80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.012543-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : InfoPlist type: strings
Result : None
debug 14:35:01.013009-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key HIMenuEnableNSWindowOrdering in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.013062-0800 2274 Userscripts setting new value <private> for key <private> in CFPrefsSource<0x6000032b1800> (Domain: Volatile, User: , ByHost: No, Container: , Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.020169-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key HLTBDisableTextCache in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.020207-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key HLTBDisableTextCache in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.020248-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.020273-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.020294-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.020314-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.020369-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.020401-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.020426-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.020447-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.020467-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.020487-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.020595-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.020703-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.020782-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.020904-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.020993-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.021075-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.021156-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.021253-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key HIMenuDisplayStatusBarRequiredSpace in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.021671-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key HIMenuBarShowPartBounds in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.021836-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key increaseContrast in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009a1680> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009a1500> (Domain:, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.021949-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleAccentColor in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.021981-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key AppleAquaColorVariant in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.022111-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : VibrantDark type: car
Result : file:///System/Library/CoreServices/SystemAppearance.bundle/Contents/Resources/
debug 14:35:01.022478-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key HIShowRendererListForWidget in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.022561-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : Assets type: car
Result : file:///System/Library/CoreServices/SystemAppearance.bundle/Contents/Resources/
debug 14:35:01.032350-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11325124,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.036160-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11325124,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.048412-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.048429-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.048443-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.048455-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.048491-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.048513-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.048527-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.048541-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.048624-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.048696-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.048763-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.048934-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.049074-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.049153-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.049216-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.049314-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.049412-0800 2274 Userscripts <private>
debug 14:35:01.055171-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key HIMenuDisableMenuBarFlushOnActivate in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.055207-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : InfoPlist type: strings
Result : None
debug 14:35:01.055260-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key reduceTransparency in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009a1680> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009a1500> (Domain:, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.055376-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key _HIMenuWriteMenuBarImages in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.055612-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key HIMenuShowMenuBarTitles in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.055881-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSTreatUnknownArgumentsAsOpen in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.055969-0800 2274 Userscripts Bundle: <private>, key: File, value: , table: MenuCommands, localizationName: (null), result: File
debug 14:35:01.055996-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSTouchBarShowFrontApplication in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.056209-0800 2274 Userscripts sessionID=-2 frontApplicationSeed=182
debug 14:35:01.056222-0800 2274 Userscripts sessionID=-2 menuBarOwnerApplicationSeed=161
debug 14:35:01.062771-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.062822-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key TSMTraceCapsLockPressAndHold in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.062846-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key TSMTraceCapsLockPressAndHold in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.063014-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSAlwaysMatchRequestedMaskOf1 in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.063061-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSDirectTouchAllowDuringTracking in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.063100-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSEventTranslateDirectTouchesToMouse in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.063133-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key ApplePersistenceIgnoreState in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.063155-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key ApplePersistenceIgnoreStateQuietly in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.063811-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSPersistentUIThrowOnDecodeFailure in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.063849-0800 2274 Userscripts WARNING: Secure coding is not enabled for restorable state! Enable secure coding by implementing NSApplicationDelegate.applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState:.
debug 14:35:01.064182-0800 2274 Userscripts _AECreateReplyPort: ( port:37123/0x9103 rcv:1,send:0,d:0 limit:5)
debug 14:35:01.064244-0800 2274 Userscripts _makeReplyPort: ( port:37123/0x9103 rcv:1,send:0,d:0 limit:5)
debug 14:35:01.064281-0800 2274 Userscripts OSStatus aeBindToRunLoop(CFRunLoopRef, mach_port_t) binding port ( port:37123/0x9103 rcv:1,send:0,d:0 limit:5) to runloop CFRunLoop:(main)
debug 14:35:01.064790-0800 2274 Userscripts _AECreateAEReceivePortInRunLoopWithSource(), port ( port:37123/0x9103 rcv:1,send:0,d:0 limit:5)
debug 14:35:01.064871-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(42641310,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.064918-0800 2274 Userscripts _AERegisterCurrentApplicationInfomationWithAppleEventsD(( port:29187/0x7203 rcv:1,send:1,d:0 limit:5))
debug 14:35:01.065253-0800 2274 Userscripts About to register with
debug 14:35:01.065296-0800 2274 Userscripts _AppleEventsCheckInAppWithBlock("com.userscripts.macos","Userscripts" ASN:0x0,df0df: exec="userscripts" sig=0x00000000 port=( port:29187/0x7203 rcv:1,send:1,d:0 limit:5) info=[ NULL ] options=[ NULL ]
debug 14:35:01.065320-0800 2274 Userscripts Creating an xpc connection,
debug 14:35:01.076014-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSWindowShouldCheckNestedVibrantBlending in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.077393-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSWindowsAreUnbufferedForLayerBasedContentViews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.077435-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewBuildLayerTreeOnForcibleDisplay in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.077460-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewLimitsViewWillDrawToDrawRegion in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.077476-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewViewWillDrawRecursesThroughLayerBackedViews in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.077709-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewCanDrawIgnoresLayerBacking in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.077789-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSThemeFrameSkipUpdatingTitleBarFieldWhenLayingOut in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.078782-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewUseModernRecursiveDrawingPathAlways in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.086272-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSStringDrawingLongTermCacheSize in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.086349-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSStringDrawingLongTermThreshold in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.086385-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSStringDrawingShortTermCacheSize in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.088471-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSDebugImageRepSelection in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.088515-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSImageDimensionMatchBias in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.088546-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSImageViewUseCoreUIForNonTemplateImages in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.088573-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSImageViewUseMultiplyColorForCoreUIEffects in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.088592-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSImageAllowsCoreUIProcessing in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.088625-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSWindowForceWSAwareBackdropsWhenTransparent in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.089056-0800 2274 Userscripts Requesting material from core UI with options <<private>>
debug 14:35:01.089097-0800 2274 Userscripts CoreUI vended material layer <<private>> with sublayers <<private>>
debug 14:35:01.095643-0800 2274 Userscripts Constructing NSError NSOSStatusErrorDomain/-10813 at getValueForNode:1358
default 14:35:01.108213-0800 2274 Userscripts Handshake succeeded
default 14:35:01.108249-0800 2274 Userscripts Identity resolved as app<>
debug 14:35:01.110512-0800 2274 Userscripts Adding assertion 195-2274-2228 to dictionary
debug 14:35:01.110666-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSApplicationFunctionRowControllerIsWebKitPluginProcess in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
default 14:35:01.110749-0800 2274 Userscripts Reacting to DFR status change 0. status = 0x5
debug 14:35:01.110874-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key TISDisableAbortOnNonMainThread in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9680> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.110940-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key TISDisableAbortOnNonMainThread in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.112688-0800 2274 Userscripts Successfully set up CFPasteboardRef 'DefaultAsciiKeyboardLayoutPasteboard' (<CFUUID 0x6000027cc0a0> 171F2F0E-CDEB-469B-B2AE-C9EAFF577F1C)
debug 14:35:01.119831-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleTISAllowCapsLockLayoutSwitching in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.119872-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleTISAllowCapsLockLayoutSwitching in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
default 14:35:01.120048-0800 2274 Userscripts Reacting to DFR status change 1. status = 0x5
debug 14:35:01.120536-0800 2274 Userscripts GetFrontProcess(), psn=0x0,0xdf0df result=0
debug 14:35:01.120666-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(10507300,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.120697-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(40356500,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.122476-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSEventCoalesceTouches in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.122524-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSDeviceDependentModifierFlags in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.122622-0800 2274 Userscripts GetFrontProcess(), psn=0x0,0xdf0df result=0
debug 14:35:01.122657-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSMinimumEventLatencySeconds in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.123296-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11325124,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.132292-0800 2274 Userscripts no other things to come about seamless opening (at least one window was showed). Discarding everything (pending local openers count: 0)
debug 14:35:01.132451-0800 2274 Userscripts Checking UI helper state: inactive
debug 14:35:01.132477-0800 2274 Userscripts Stop observing windows
debug 14:35:01.132518-0800 2274 Userscripts AEProcessAppleEvent({aevt,oapp target=port(4/$03720000) {}})
debug 14:35:01.132535-0800 2274 Userscripts AEGetAttributePtr(), keyword=tokn desired=tokn dataPtr=0x7ff7bba31de8 maxSize=32
debug 14:35:01.132559-0800 2274 Userscripts OSErr AEEventImpl::manufactureAttribute(OSType, AEDesc *) const(tokn) = 0/noErr [sess=100003 pid=2274 uid:502,502,502 g:20,20 pV:5391]
debug 14:35:01.132571-0800 2274 Userscripts AECoerceDesc coerce from tokn => tokn
debug 14:35:01.132584-0800 2274 Userscripts tryDescCoercion: coerce from tokn => tokn = -1700/-
debug 14:35:01.132595-0800 2274 Userscripts tryDescCoercion: coerce from tokn => tokn = -1700/-
debug 14:35:01.132606-0800 2274 Userscripts aeInstallLazyDescCoercionHandlers_block_invoke()
debug 14:35:01.132894-0800 2274 Userscripts Registering 41 bulk handlers for type 1
debug 14:35:01.132941-0800 2274 Userscripts tryDescCoercion: coerce from tokn => tokn = -1700/-
debug 14:35:01.132968-0800 2274 Userscripts tryDescCoercion: coerce from tokn => tokn = -1700/-
debug 14:35:01.133131-0800 2274 Userscripts cloneForCompatability(src=<private> dst=0x7ff7bba31ac0
debug 14:35:01.133308-0800 2274 Userscripts cloneForCompatability(src=<private> dst=0x7ff7bba31bf8
debug 14:35:01.133403-0800 2274 Userscripts cloneForCompatability(src=<private> dst=0x7ff7bba31bc0
debug 14:35:01.133526-0800 2274 Userscripts OSErr AEGetAttributePtr(const AppleEvent *, AEKeyword, DescType, DescType *, void *, Size, Size *)(tokn as tokn = 0x00000000 32/$f6010000f601000014000000f601000014000000e2080000a38601000f150000...
debug 14:35:01.133652-0800 2274 Userscripts _AEEventRequiresSecurityHandlerChecks((event:aevt/oapp ) = NO
debug 14:35:01.133712-0800 2274 Userscripts Calling handler aevt/oapp [preHITBHandler] @ 0x7ff80b7a2ccd refCon=0x0
debug 14:35:01.133769-0800 2274 Userscripts AEGetAttributePtr(), keyword=evcl desired=type dataPtr=0x7ff7bba31ed8 maxSize=4
debug 14:35:01.133827-0800 2274 Userscripts OSErr AEGetAttributePtr(const AppleEvent *, AEKeyword, DescType, DescType *, void *, Size, Size *)(evcl as type = 0x00000000 4/$74766561
debug 14:35:01.133888-0800 2274 Userscripts AEGetAttributePtr(), keyword=evid desired=type dataPtr=0x7ff7bba31edc maxSize=4
debug 14:35:01.133959-0800 2274 Userscripts OSErr AEGetAttributePtr(const AppleEvent *, AEKeyword, DescType, DescType *, void *, Size, Size *)(evid as type = 0x00000000 4/$7070616f
debug 14:35:01.134013-0800 2274 Userscripts try[preHITBHandler] returned -1708
debug 14:35:01.139878-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSViewBridgeBoolShouldLogOnBehalfOfCoreAnimation in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.140790-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key AppleLanguages in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.140841-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key AppleLanguages in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009ae680> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.140877-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key AppleLocale in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009ae680> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.140898-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key AppleTextDirection in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9a80> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) via CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.140914-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSForceLeftToRightWritingDirection in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.140930-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSForceRightToLeftWritingDirection in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.165424-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(10507300,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.174840-0800 2274 Userscripts Received message from server: async_didChangeInheritances:completion:
debug 14:35:01.227857-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(10507300,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.227900-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(40356500,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.228071-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(10507300,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.228107-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(40356500,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.240592-0800 2274 Userscripts Discarding cached UI helper state: inactive
debug 14:35:01.357558-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11325124,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.376089-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key TSMTraceCapsLockPressAndHold in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.376137-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key TSMTraceCapsLockPressAndHold in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.376179-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key TSMTraceIronwood in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.376195-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key TSMTraceIronwood in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.376488-0800 2274 Userscripts Successfully set up CFPasteboardRef 'ApplePerContextInputPasteboard' (<CFUUID 0x6000027f98a0> FEAF0A2A-2B96-4036-9594-E687B60EF4F6)
debug 14:35:01.377132-0800 2274 Userscripts #cache-invalidation pboard: 'ApplePerContextInputPasteboard' (<CFUUID 0x6000027f98a0> FEAF0A2A-2B96-4036-9594-E687B60EF4F6) successfully rebuilt its cache with 1 entries from daemon
debug 14:35:01.377301-0800 2274 Userscripts Waiting for data
debug 14:35:01.377566-0800 2274 Userscripts Finished waiting for promise because client got a reply from daemon
debug 14:35:01.377707-0800 2274 Userscripts GetFrontProcess(), psn=0x0,0xdf0df result=0
debug 14:35:01.377734-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleTISLocalCFPrefsRead in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.377779-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleTISLocalCFPrefsRead in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.378195-0800 2274 Userscripts CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009ba000> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No) loaded: a new base plist and no additional changes from the base plist
debug 14:35:01.378242-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key AppleEnabledInputSources in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009ba000> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.379271-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleEnabledHandwritingLanguages in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000980380> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.379342-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleEnabledHandwritingLanguages in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009ba000> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.379590-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleIronwoodAllowed in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.379617-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleIronwoodAllowed in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.379662-0800 2274 Userscripts looked up value <private> for key AppleDictationAutoEnable in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600000980380> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.379682-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleUseSpeechPrefDictationAutoEnable in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000009b9880> (Domain: kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No)
debug 14:35:01.379714-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key AppleUseSpeechPrefDictationAutoEnable in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009b9480> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.380565-0800 2274 Userscripts Language lookup at <private>
Localizations : [de, he, en_AU, ar, el, ja, en, uk, es_419, zh_CN, es, pt_BR, da, it, sk, pt_PT, ms, sv, cs, ko, no, hu, zh_HK, tr, pl, zh_TW, en_GB, vi, ru, fr_CA, fr, fi, id, nl, th, ro, hr, hi, ca]
Dev language : English
User prefs : [en-US]
Main bundle : [en]
Allow mixed : 0
Result : [en]
debug 14:35:01.380850-0800 2274 Userscripts Resource lookup at <private>
Request : InfoPlist type: strings
Result : file:///System/Library/Keyboard%20Layouts/AppleKeyboardLayouts.bundle/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
debug 14:35:01.385528-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key __NSDisableSharingTextTabInstance in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009bab80> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.385662-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key IMKClientReplyTimeout in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009bab80> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:01.390645-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11325124,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.391180-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(11325124,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.391868-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(10507300,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.391891-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(40356500,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.391985-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(10507300,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:01.392005-0800 2274 Userscripts _CSCheckFix(40356500,com.userscripts.macos/41)=NOT-APPLIED
debug 14:35:02.254865-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSDisableAutomaticTerminationAfterAccessibilityRequest in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009bab80> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:02.254909-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSCacheAccessibilityChildren in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009bab80> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:02.254935-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSAccessibilityDebugLogLevel in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009bab80> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:02.255152-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSSecureTextFieldNumberOfBullets in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009bab80> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:02.255182-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSSecureTextFieldShowsNumLockIndicator in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009bab80> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
debug 14:35:02.255527-0800 2274 Userscripts found no value for key NSDelayFlushingAccessibilityChildCache in CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000009bab80> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, Container: (null))
I'll try spinning up a clean VM of 12.1 and see if the same thing happens.
I'll try spinning up a clean VM of 12.1
How are you going about installing the app/extension?
The only time I have seen the message, Safari Extension State is Unknown
is when the app is distributed outside of the app store - it's briefly spoken about in this issue. This make me wonder if you are installing the app/extension in a non-traditional way (ie. downloading it from the app store on one machine/instance and passing it off somewhere else).
I am still looking through the logs you sent, I will let you know if I find anything of value.
Nope; I'm just installing it from the App Store. Nothing special.
@djpadz can you email me at the address listed on my profile?
The same happens to me. Here is a screenshot. The Open Safari Preferences
button also does not work (nothing happens when click on it).
Please let me know if there is anything more I can provide to help you locate the problem

Was this a fresh install or an update?
I spoke to @djpadz via email and he got it working, but I am not totally sure the steps he took. It seemed like there was a larger issue at play and perhaps not the app or extension directly causing the issue.
From the logs above, and your screenshot, it seems like you both have AdGuard running. I am wondering if this issue could be somehow related to that. If you disable AdGuard, restart Safari and the Userscripts App, does anything change?
@YaxinCheng also, are you on Apple Silicon or Intel?
@quoid I noticed the problem after updating. Then I tried to uninstall and reinstall from App Store, but it did not work. I also tried the suggestions you gave above about deleting folders from ~/Library/
, it didn't work either.
I'm on Apple Silicon
I just tried to disable ADGuard and restart safari, but it did not help either. Tried to reinstall UserScripts too after restarting safari, it still does not show up in the extension page
Thanks for following up. This is difficult to figure out. If you'd don't mind shooting me an email (on my github profile), we could try to further debug this over there and if we come up with a solution, we can update this issue.
@quoid Sorry if I miscommunicated, but I was not able to get it working. It works fine on my M1 Mac, but my Intel Mac is still not seeing the extension (on 4.0.9 and 4.0.10). I've been able to uninstall and reinstall other extensions on that machine without any problems. Coincidentally, I'm running AdGuard, too. However, I'm also running it on both machines: the M1 and the Intel Mac.
I'll try uninstalling AdGuard, just for grins.
No luck uninstalling AdGuard. I even went so far as to uninstall all of my extensions. One additional thing that I did was to reboot with SIP turned off. This gave me visibility into ~/Library/Containers/ I noticed that the Extensions.plist file didn't mention Userscripts. So that would tell me that the extension registration failed.
@YaxinCheng By any chance are you running CrowdStrike?
@djpadz thanks for clearing that up
In the console of @YaxinCheng we are seeing the following error and fault:
error 23:40:17.398405-0500 cfprefsd rejecting read of { com.userscripts.macos, XXXXX, kCFPreferencesAnyHost, /Users/XXXXX/Library/Containers/com.userscripts.macos/Data/Library/Preferences/com.userscripts.macos.plist, managed: 0 } from process 21352 (Userscripts) because accessing preferences outside an application's container requires user-preference-read or file-read-data sandbox access
fault 23:40:17.398509-0500 Userscripts Couldn't read values in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x6000028ed300> (Domain: com.userscripts.macos, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: Yes): accessing preferences outside an application's container requires user-preference-read or file-read-data sandbox access
It's seemingly an issue with a plist file. It's curious that this is only affecting a subset of users. I wonder what the file at this location /Users/XXXXX/Library/Containers/com.userscripts.macos/Data/Library/Preferences/com.userscripts.macos.plist
looks like for either of you.
According to this Apple dev post, that error could be considered "log noise". However there is mention of an entitlement which the app does not have, user-preference-write
. I wonder why is this needed only for a subset of users for a file that is not outside an app's sandbox?
Could there be anything on your machines that would blocking this app from running?
Just posting this issue from another repo because it seems similar, however the solution there seemingly did not work here (deleting both Userscripts folders) from the /Containers/
Edit: I am just realizing that /Users/XXXXX/Library/Containers/com.userscripts.macos/
is a container that is not used on my machines in macOS 12. The app should be attempting to read from ~/Library/Containers/Userscripts
. Do you both have ~/Library/Containers/com.userscripts.macos/
on your systems?
@djpadz I do not run the CrowdStrike, not sure what it is.
@quoid Here is what it looks like in the dir
➜ ls ~/Library/Containers/com.userscripts.macos/Data/Library/Preferences/
@YaxinCheng CrowdStrike is an antimalware package. Just curious if that might have been the culprit.
@quoid I had both Userscripts
and com.userscripts.macos
in ~/Library/Containers
on my Intel machine. I think I removed both. Then, com.userscripts.macos
reappeared when I reinstalled. On the M1 (and the clean VM), I believe it only has com.userscripts.macos
(confirmed on the M1; haven't checked the VM).
This is interesting... I just checked the Intel VM, and it has com.userscripts.macos.Userscripts-Extension
and neither of the other two. Weird!
I noticed when I ls
the /Containers/
directory, the folder shows up as com.userscripts.macos
but when viewing that same directory in, the folder shows up as Userscripts
. I guess that folder has some sort of "aliased naming".


I also noticed this in the logs @YaxinCheng sent me, however still not sure if it is relevant:
Prompting policy for hardened runtime; service: kTCCServiceAppleEvents requires entitlement but it is missing for accessing={<TCCDProcess: identifier=com.userscripts.macos, pid=21352, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Applications/>}, requesting={<TCCDProcess:, pid=505, auid=55, euid=55, binary_path=/System/Library/CoreServices/appleeventsd>}
Yeah, I noticed the same thing with the alias naming. The results that I posted were all from the ls
command, so it skips past any aliasing that the Finder might be doing.
Just adding some more data.
I was seeing this with an auto-update to 4.0.10 and then managed to resolve it by restoring to an older version of Userscripts from a Time Machine backup. I then upgraded back to 4.0.10. However, after a few days and reboots the problem has come up again. When I came to my computer this morning, there was a prompt to restart Safari because of an update and afterward Userscripts was disabled again.
I've tried the steps above and they do not work. I've restored Userscripts from my Time Machine backup again. This time the version I restored was 4.0.10. It has started working again. So it appears to be happening with App Store update versions.
I'm on a M1 MBP and 12.1. I do not have AdGuard installed but do have a few other Safari extensions.
@43n79w Thanks for the report
Unfortunately, I still have no idea why this is happening for some users. I am going to dig more into the issue this weekend and hopefully I can uncover something.
I've restored Userscripts from my Time Machine backup again. This time the version I restored was 4.0.10. It has started working again. So it appears to be happening with App Store update versions.
Interesting find. I would expect clean installs to resolve the issue if that the App Store update was the cause. I'd be interested to hear if everything continues to work for you, longer than a few days.
Version 3.x can be downloaded and installed outside of the App Store if something is needed in the meantime.
I downloaded the source for 4.0.10, and built it on my machine. Launching it locally, I got the following error on the console. Dunno if it helps.
Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[NSControl setStringValue:]
PID: 5368, TID: 74239, Thread name: (none), Queue name:, QoS: 0
4 Userscripts 0x000000010857b9a0 $s11Userscripts14ViewControllerC17setExtensionStateyyFySo08SFSafarieF0CSg_s5Error_pSgtcfU_ + 992
5 Userscripts 0x000000010857c395 $sSo22SFSafariExtensionStateCSgs5Error_pSgIeggg_ACSo7NSErrorCSgIeyByy_TR + 117
6 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff80e50127c __invoking___ + 140
7 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff80e501115 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 305
8 Foundation 0x00007ff80f343afa __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_REPLY_BLOCK__ + 17
9 Foundation 0x00007ff80f341ff8 -[NSXPCConnection _decodeAndInvokeReplyBlockWithEvent:sequence:replyInfo:] + 676
10 Foundation 0x00007ff80f341902 __88-[NSXPCConnection _sendInvocation:orArguments:count:methodSignature:selector:withProxy:]_block_invoke_3 + 205
11 libxpc.dylib 0x00007ff80e19c6d5 _xpc_connection_reply_callout + 36
12 libxpc.dylib 0x00007ff80e19c65d _xpc_connection_call_reply_async + 69
13 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000108a868da _dispatch_client_callout3 + 8
14 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000108aa7517 _dispatch_mach_msg_async_reply_invoke + 458
15 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000108a8de09 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 344
16 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000108a8ef20 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 490
17 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000108a9cd1d _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 822
18 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001086ae7c8 _pthread_wqthread + 326
19 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001086b4ccb start_wqthread + 15
2022-01-13 16:22:25.004798-0800 Userscripts[5368:74239] [reports] Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[NSControl setStringValue:]
PID: 5368, TID: 74239, Thread name: (none), Queue name:, QoS: 0
4 Userscripts 0x000000010857b9a0 $s11Userscripts14ViewControllerC17setExtensionStateyyFySo08SFSafarieF0CSg_s5Error_pSgtcfU_ + 992
5 Userscripts 0x000000010857c395 $sSo22SFSafariExtensionStateCSgs5Error_pSgIeggg_ACSo7NSErrorCSgIeyByy_TR + 117
6 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff80e50127c __invoking___ + 140
7 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff80e501115 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 305
8 Foundation 0x00007ff80f343afa __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_REPLY_BLOCK__ + 17
9 Foundation 0x00007ff80f341ff8 -[NSXPCConnection _decodeAndInvokeReplyBlockWithEvent:sequence:replyInfo:] + 676
10 Foundation 0x00007ff80f341902 __88-[NSXPCConnection _sendInvocation:orArguments:count:methodSignature:selector:withProxy:]_block_invoke_3 + 205
11 libxpc.dylib 0x00007ff80e19c6d5 _xpc_connection_reply_callout + 36
12 libxpc.dylib 0x00007ff80e19c65d _xpc_connection_call_reply_async + 69
13 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000108a868da _dispatch_client_callout3 + 8
14 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000108aa7517 _dispatch_mach_msg_async_reply_invoke + 458
15 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000108a8de09 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 344
16 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000108a8ef20 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 490
17 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000108a9cd1d _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 822
18 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001086ae7c8 _pthread_wqthread + 326
19 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001086b4ccb start_wqthread + 15
2022-01-13 16:22:31.933379-0800 Userscripts[5368:74239] [general] Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (SFErrorDomain error 1.)
2022-01-13 16:22:31.933637-0800 Userscripts[5368:74239] [general] Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (SFErrorDomain error 1.)
Can you select Allow Unsigned Extensions
in the Safari Develop
Menu and then see what happens?
Done. Looks like it threw the same exception:
Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[NSControl setStringValue:]
PID: 5657, TID: 84072, Thread name: (none), Queue name:, QoS: 0
4 Userscripts 0x000000010f4119a0 $s11Userscripts14ViewControllerC17setExtensionStateyyFySo08SFSafarieF0CSg_s5Error_pSgtcfU_ + 992
5 Userscripts 0x000000010f412395 $sSo22SFSafariExtensionStateCSgs5Error_pSgIeggg_ACSo7NSErrorCSgIeyByy_TR + 117
6 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff80e50127c __invoking___ + 140
7 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff80e501115 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 305
8 Foundation 0x00007ff80f343afa __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_REPLY_BLOCK__ + 17
9 Foundation 0x00007ff80f341ff8 -[NSXPCConnection _decodeAndInvokeReplyBlockWithEvent:sequence:replyInfo:] + 676
10 Foundation 0x00007ff80f341902 __88-[NSXPCConnection _sendInvocation:orArguments:count:methodSignature:selector:withProxy:]_block_invoke_3 + 205
11 libxpc.dylib 0x00007ff80e19c6d5 _xpc_connection_reply_callout + 36
12 libxpc.dylib 0x00007ff80e19c65d _xpc_connection_call_reply_async + 69
13 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010f91c8da _dispatch_client_callout3 + 8
14 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010f93d517 _dispatch_mach_msg_async_reply_invoke + 458
15 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010f923e09 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 344
16 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010f924f20 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 490
17 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010f932d1d _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 822
18 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000010f5447c8 _pthread_wqthread + 326
19 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000010f54accb start_wqthread + 15
2022-01-13 16:27:53.136581-0800 Userscripts[5657:84072] [reports] Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[NSControl setStringValue:]
PID: 5657, TID: 84072, Thread name: (none), Queue name:, QoS: 0
4 Userscripts 0x000000010f4119a0 $s11Userscripts14ViewControllerC17setExtensionStateyyFySo08SFSafarieF0CSg_s5Error_pSgtcfU_ + 992
5 Userscripts 0x000000010f412395 $sSo22SFSafariExtensionStateCSgs5Error_pSgIeggg_ACSo7NSErrorCSgIeyByy_TR + 117
6 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff80e50127c __invoking___ + 140
7 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff80e501115 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 305
8 Foundation 0x00007ff80f343afa __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_REPLY_BLOCK__ + 17
9 Foundation 0x00007ff80f341ff8 -[NSXPCConnection _decodeAndInvokeReplyBlockWithEvent:sequence:replyInfo:] + 676
10 Foundation 0x00007ff80f341902 __88-[NSXPCConnection _sendInvocation:orArguments:count:methodSignature:selector:withProxy:]_block_invoke_3 + 205
11 libxpc.dylib 0x00007ff80e19c6d5 _xpc_connection_reply_callout + 36
12 libxpc.dylib 0x00007ff80e19c65d _xpc_connection_call_reply_async + 69
13 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010f91c8da _dispatch_client_callout3 + 8
14 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010f93d517 _dispatch_mach_msg_async_reply_invoke + 458
15 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010f923e09 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 344
16 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010f924f20 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 490
17 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010f932d1d _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 822
18 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000010f5447c8 _pthread_wqthread + 326
19 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000010f54accb start_wqthread + 15
2022-01-13 16:27:53.683181-0800 Userscripts[5657:84072] [general] Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (SFErrorDomain error 1.)
2022-01-13 16:27:53.683346-0800 Userscripts[5657:84072] [general] Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (SFErrorDomain error 1.)
Incidentally, I also tried signing it with my own Apple Developer cert. Same thing :-/
I tried this and it worked!
I did have to delete ~/Library/Containers/com.userscripts.macos*
after installing, but that may have just been an artifact of all of the other things I tried until now.
So I think that (assuming the fix holds) we can safely say that the problem wasn't necessarily a bug in Userscripts, as it hit other people with other web extensions.
I tried this and it worked!
Nice! Thank you so much for sharing this!
I thought I saw another reply showing the Something went wrong
error in the popup, which is called by something failing during the init func, is that no longer an issue?
For those reading this thread, the solution in the linked article is:
If you're just looking for a solution to the issue, here it is: quit Safari, copy the following command to the clipboard, open the Terminal app (located in the Utilities subfolder of the Applications folder), and paste the command.
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -f -R /Applications/
So I think that (assuming the fix holds) we can safely say that the problem wasn't necessarily a bug in Userscripts, as it hit other people with other web extensions.
It was interesting to hear that Bitwarden had a similar issue. Please do let me know how it works out for you. I will report this to Apple if it ends up being an upstream bug.
I tried this and it worked!
I tried this and it worked!
I have also tried this solution from @djpadz, and it works fine for me! Thanks for @djpadz for finding the solution and thanks @quoid for helping me all the way through!
Interesting find. I would expect clean installs to resolve the issue if that the App Store update was the cause. I'd be interested to hear if everything continues to work for you, longer than a few days.
Things do appear to be working correctly for me. As luck would have it, I had another coincidental issue that was exacerbating this issue once I had implemented @djpadz solution. I had a script that was disabled but trying to load a remote script from That remote script, for whatever reason was unable to load which was causing UserScripts to appear broken when I clicked on its toolbar button. I would just see the popover with a spinning indicator. There was no way for me to open the Extensions Page or click any of the other elements in the popover. I thought it was stuck/broken.
But I decided to just wait for a couple of minutes and things eventually seemed to time out. Then I could open the Extensions Page. Once I removed the script with the remote script, everything started working 100% again.
I wonder if this may have caused some aspects of the update/install to fail to complete, which is why I thought I'd mention it. Otherwise this frozen UI issue appears to be completely separate.