Quoc Truong
Quoc Truong
Can we have this option on a flag? From past feedback from users, they tend to want their app to be running even after the disconnect. However, this is not...
@jquinter thanks for the request, we are looking into this.
@ivannaranjo This cmdlet is not created yet.
@SurferJeffAtGoogle, this is not supported yet. We can add parameters -MachineType to Set-GceInstance to support this. Will that be sufficient?
That sounds good. I think you're right, the Update verb makes more sense here.
Hi @SurferJeffAtGoogle, I was doing some more reading and it seems that the Update verb is supposed to be used to [bring a resource up-to-date](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.verbsdata.update(v=vs.85).aspx) whereas the Set verb is...
@SurferJeffAtGoogle, can you try running "Get-Command -Module GoogleCloud"?
@Schizamp Currently the PowerShell cmdlets are in maintenance mode so we are not adding new features that require a substantial amount of work. For the Recommendations for a VM instance,...
@Schizamp That may change we do our plannings next quarter but I do expect the cmdlets to be in active development again in the future. That being said, you are...
@ivannaranjo, you can supply a service account when creating instances. Service account can be built with [New-GceServiceAccountConfig](http://googlecloudplatform.github.io/google-cloud-powershell/#/google-compute-engine/GceServiceAccountConfig/New-GceServiceAccountConfig) and given the appropriate scopes. Is this what you are looking for?