Dustin Toff
Dustin Toff
Black out all elements with no accessibility text. It would call out better than highlighting errors the inability to reason about an app if you can't see what a button...
As a developer, you don't want to set up the configuration in the app manually before starting the recording, so most of the configuration should be available to be set...
When creating a `ButtonSwitch`, specifying either `android:padding` or `app:layoutPadding` results in double the vertical space created compared to horizontal.
Programmatically trigger a "screenshot" of what the screen reader sees snapshot comparison
An overlay that displays the touch target areas and possibly other stat- checking info. It could display data like font and background color as well as computed values like contrast...
Both for debugging and for feature discovery, the format and contents should be documented
It misses * Usage Hints * Accessibility Actions Menu
Background Tint is a feature of newer android models. Instead, the drawable should be tinted in another way that is supported so that you don't get a boring, grey gradient...
It might integrate well but it has a fairly limited set of checks and doesn't seem to be actively updated https://github.com/google/Accessibility-Test-Framework-for-Android
This will ensure that the plugin works properly on both