Quinn Keaveney
Quinn Keaveney
Another thing that might be worth considering is finding a solution for removing lineheight changes for the false fallbacks. In the meantime `line-hight: 0;` works ![screen shot 2016-02-24 at 1...
I think I've set the fake heights appropriately.. but its difficult to say I have a agreed upon solution for the .numr—since I can't find a good definition online. Type...
I think there is a use case... Not to get too creative but showing the dnom in a type specimen is a simple enough case. Alternatively I could see people...
Plus I think frac only supports a very limited amount of combinations, dnom and numr are there for when frac falls short
@rangelrmorais Not presently. Perhaps in the past.
Yes, wow your fast. Basically I'm looking for something like this. ``` php echo $product -> virtual_stock( ) # 7 echo $product -> hold_stock_timer_total( ) # 1800 echo $product ->...
I wish I was more knowledgeable about wordpress filters. Do you have any hints how I would go about creating this filter? My situation is such: each product is unique...
yes, I think all the data I need already exists in the plugin.. I just don't know how to access it. So if I understand correctly, are you saying that...
Righton. I'll take a look at it. I have.. the issue is that I have to display the unavailable items and differentiate between those out of stock and those in...
ok thanks, I'll take a look at it!