storm-pattern copied to clipboard
A fork of cascading patterns, but implemented for trident
This project is based on the cascading.pattern project. The pattern sub-project for which uses flows as containers for machine learning models, importing PMML model descriptions from R, SAS, Weka, RapidMiner, KNIME, SQL Server, etc.
All Credit to Chris and Paco for the excellent work!
Current support for PMML includes:
- Random Forest in PMML 4.0+ exported from R/Rattle
- Linear Regression in PMML 1.1+
- Hierarchical Clustering and K-Means Clustering in PMML 2.0+
- Logistic Regression in PMML 4.0.1+
Use in Storm Topology
First include the clojars repo in your POM (or project.clj or sbt or wherever):
And then add the dependency:
I have created a very simple trident topology to illustrate the usage, it is available from here.. At a high level, this is all that is required:
topology.newStream("valueStream", spout)
.each(new Fields(fields), new ClassifierFunction(pmml_file),
new Fields("prediction"))
.each(new Fields("prediction"), new PrintlnFunction(),
new Fields());
You simply need to create the Classifier function and pass in the model.
Build Instructions (if you are extending storm-pattern)
To build and then run its unit tests:
mvn clean install
The following scripts generate a baseline (model+data) for the Random Forest algorithm. This baseline includes a reference data set -- 1000 independent variables, 500 rows of simulated ecommerce orders -- plus a predictive model in PMML:
./src/py/ 500 1000 > orders.tsv
R --vanilla < ./src/r/rf_pmml.R > model.log
This will generate huge.rf.xml
as the PMML export for a Random
Forest classifier plus huge.tsv
as a baseline data set for
regression testing.
Example Models
Check the src/r/rattle_pmml.R
script for examples of predictive
models which are created in R, then exported using Rattle.
These examples use the popular
Iris data set.
- random forest (rf)
- linear regression (lm)
- hierarchical clustering (hclust)
- k-means clustering (kmeans)
- logistic regression (glm)
- multinomial model (multinom)
- single hidden-layer neural network (nnet)
- support vector machine (ksvm)
- recursive partition classification tree (rpart)
- association rules
To execute the R script:
R --vanilla < src/r/rattle_pmml.R
It is possible to extend PMML support for other kinds of modeling in R and other analytics platforms. Contact the developers to discuss on the cascading-user email forum.
PMML Resources
- Data Mining Group XML standards and supported vendors
- PMML In Action book
- PMML validator