qca-sdk-nss-fw copied to clipboard
corrected licenses and local repolint
Repolinter Audit results:
repolinter lint -g https://github.com/quic/qca-sdk-nss-fw --rulesetUrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/quic/.github/main/repolint.json
Target directory: C:\Users\nwtn\AppData\Local\Temp\repolinter-PLpeTr
Axiom language failed to run with error: Linguist not installed
Axiom license failed to run with error: Error executing licensee
✔ license-file-exists: Found file (LICENSE.md)
✔ readme-file-exists: Found file (README.md)
⚠ contributing-file-exists: Did not find a file matching the specified patterns ({docs/,.github/,}CONTRIB*)
⚠ code-of-conduct-file-exists: Did not find a file matching the specified patterns
⚠ {docs/,.github/,}CODEOFCONDUCT*
⚠ {docs/,.github/,}CODE-OF-CONDUCT*
⚠ {docs/,.github/,}CODE_OF_CONDUCT*
⚠ changelog-file-exists: Did not find a file matching the specified patterns (CHANGELOG*)
✖ readme-references-license: Doesn't contain license|notice (README.md)
✔ binaries-not-present: Excluded file type doesn't exist (/.exe,/.dll,/.o,/.so,!node_modules/**)
⚠ test-directory-exists: Did not find a file matching the specified patterns
⚠ */test
⚠ **/specs
⚠ **/test
✔ integrates-with-ci: Found file (.github/workflows/quic-organization-repolinter.yml)
✖ source-license-headers-exist: Did not find file matching the specified patterns
✖ */.py
✖ */.js
✖ */.c
✖ */.cc
✖ */.cpp
✖ */.h
✖ */.ts
✖ */.sh
✖ */.rs
✖ */.java
✖ /.go
✖ /.bbclass
✖ /.S
✔ bb-file-license-exist: Did not find file matching the specified patterns (/.bb)
⚠ github-issue-template-exists: Did not find a file matching the specified patterns