Queen Vinyl Da.i'gyu-Kazotetsu
Queen Vinyl Da.i'gyu-Kazotetsu
Hey there! Just wanted to give you a head's up that a dependency of yours, `mdn-browser-compat-data`, is outdated. We have released BCD v2.0 under a scoped package name, `@mdn/browser-compat-data`, however...
This PR adds the missing `flow` member of the `display` CSS property. The data comes from the [mdn-bcd-collector](https://mdn-bcd-collector.gooborg.com) project (v10.12.3). _Check out the [collector's guide on how to review this...
This PR updates and corrects version values for Chromium (Chrome, Opera, Samsung Internet, WebView Android) for the `management` Web Extensions interface. The data comes from a commit in the browser's...
This PR updates and corrects version values for Firefox and Firefox Android for the `datalist` HTML element. This adds a note that the describes the behavior I discovered during testing,...
This PR updates and corrects version values for Chromium (Chrome, Opera, Samsung Internet, WebView Android) for the `setBadgeText.null` member of the `action` Web Extensions interface. This fixes #22833, which contains...
This PR updates and corrects version values for Chromium (Chrome, Opera, Samsung Internet, WebView Android) for the `scripting` Web Extensions interface. This fixes #22832, which contains the supporting evidence for...
## Summary This PR is a follow-up to #10168 that adds support for three notecard types introduced by the [GFM noteblocks proposal](https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/16925) that Yari does not currently support: tip, important...
## Summary This PR updates the GFM noteblock rendering to always put the title ("Note:", "Warning:", etc.) on its own line, regardless of how the Markdown is formatted. > [!IMPORTANT]...
This PR gives the writer's homepage an update to make it look nicer, both synchronizing it with the appearance of the normal homepage, and moving a few things around for...