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Prune your follows
After almost 15 years on Twitter I hit the 5000 follows limit, and found it hard to figure out what accounts to unfollow...
Enter Prune your follows, it lets you filter accounts by:
- Inactive
- Overactive
- Unpopular
- Overpopular
and fuzzy search:
- username
- name
- description
- location
Still a work in progress, will soon be launched at
Powered by Xata - The serverless, branchable, scalable, consistent, highly available, and searchable database service focused on the developer experience.
A message or two or three from Queen Raae 👑
1-on-1 Emergency Gatsby Call
Are you stuck on a reef in the sharky waters around the Gatsby islands? Check out 1-on-1 Emergency Gatsby Call with Queen Raae to get friendly advice you can put into action immediately from a seasoned Gatsby developer.
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