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Template rendering middleware for koa (hbs, swig, pug, anything! :sparkles:)


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Template rendering middleware for koa@2.


npm install koa-views

Templating engines

koa-views is using consolidate under the hood.

List of supported engines

NOTE: you must still install the engines you wish to use, add them to your package.json dependencies.


var views = require('koa-views');

const render = views(__dirname + '/views', {
  map: {
    html: 'underscore'

// Must be used before any router is used
// OR Expand by app.context
// No order restrictions
// app.context.render = render()

app.use(async function (ctx) {
  ctx.state = {
    session: this.session,
    title: 'app'

  await ctx.render('user', {
    user: 'John'

For more examples you can take a look at the tests.

Simple middleware

If you need to simply render pages with locals, you can install koa-views-render:

npm install koa-views-render

Then simply use it on your routes and its arguments will be passed to ctx.render.

var render = require('koa-views-render');

// ...

app.use(render('home', { title : 'Home Page' }));


views(root, opts)

  • root: Where your views are located. Must be an absolute path. All rendered views are relative to this path

  • opts (optional)

  • opts.autoRender: Whether to use ctx.body to receive the rendered template string. Defaults to true.

const render = views(__dirname, { autoRender: false, extension: 'pug' });
// OR
// app.context.render = render()

app.use(async function (ctx) {
  return await ctx.render('user.pug')


const render = views(__dirname, { extension: 'pug' })
// OR
// app.context.render = render()

app.use(async function (ctx) {
  await ctx.render('user.pug')
  • opts.extension: Default extension for your views

Instead of providing the full file extension you can omit it.

app.use(async function (ctx) {
  await ctx.render('user.pug')


const render = views(__dirname, { extension: 'pug' })
// OR
// app.context.render = render()

app.use(async function (ctx) {
  await ctx.render('user')
  • opts.map: Map a file extension to an engine

In this example, each file ending with .html will get rendered using the nunjucks templating engine.

const render = views(__dirname, { map: {html: 'nunjucks' }})
// OR
// app.context.render = render()
// render `user.html` with nunjucks
app.use(async function (ctx) {
  await ctx.render('user.html')
  • opts.engineSource: replace consolidate as default engine source

If you’re not happy with consolidate or want more control over the engines, you can override it with this options. engineSource should be an object that maps an extension to a function that receives a path and options and returns a promise. In this example templates with the foo extension will always return bar.

const render = views(__dirname, { engineSource: {foo: () => Promise.resolve('bar')}})
// OR
// app.context.render = render()

app.use(async function (ctx) {
  await ctx.render('index.foo')
  • opts.options: These options will get passed to the view engine. This is the time to add partials and helpers etc.
const app = new Koa()
  .use(views(__dirname, {
    map: { hbs: 'handlebars' },
    options: {
      helpers: {
        uppercase: (str) => str.toUpperCase()

      partials: {
        subTitle: './my-partial' // requires ./my-partial.hbs
      cache: true // cache the template string or not
  .use(function (ctx) {
    ctx.state = { title: 'my title', author: 'queckezz' }
    return ctx.render('./my-view.hbs')


Set the DEBUG environment variable to koa-views when starting your server.

$ DEBUG=koa-views
