angular-youtube-player copied to clipboard
Simple youtube player created with angular and typescript. See demo.
About Player
This is a simple youtube web player based on angular-cli, ngx-socket-io, @angular/cdk.
This player is compatible only with Chrome/webkit browsers.
The project status is RC (release candidate).
How to use
For development
Install NodeJS 16.14.0+
Download/clone repository then install the player by
npm install
in root folder (not in /src)
Add your youtube api key in src/app/environments/settings.ts or inside the app on settings page (when is running)
Start your server
npm install && npm start
in root folder
- Connect to your server
You must change inside src/app/environments/environment.ts your path to your server.
To build the app
- Install angular-cli
npm install -g @angular/cli
- Run inside the root folder (not in /src)
Check angular documentation for other build options.
ng build --prod=true
Angular YouTube Player 2.6.0
- List of guests in the session
- Minor issues fixed (RC)
- Add mini player when you scroll
- First video from playlist is now the current video
Angular YouTube Player 2.5.2
- Add category badge to feed videos and current video
- UI updates
- New modal component
Angular YouTube Player 2.5.1
- Upgrade angular to LTS (from 7 to 8)
- Fixed repeat mode
- Update layout for playlist / related videos
Angular YouTube Player 2.5
- Cleaned the project to avoid using a lot of dependencies
- Fix the issue when you change the region didn't updated the player
- Improved UX for playlist
- Added client name to identify each users in the room
Angular YouTube Player 2.4
- Switched from firebase to json through and private server
- Responsive layout
- Sync player in session
- Rooms: join/leave room by unique id
- Playlist is no more auto populated when is empty
- You can't export/import anymore from .JSON file
Angular YouTube Player 2.3.3
- Fixed bugs after refactoring
- Added session key for playlist which you can upload to cloud and download from cloud (integrated with firebase)
- Layout update
- Updated from angular 5.2.0 to 7.0.1
- Carousel added for related videos (used ngu-carousel)
Angular YouTube Player 2.3
- Updating to LTS angular
- Refactoring entire app services and components
- Improved speed performance and fixed major bugs
- New way to loading the app
Angular YouTube Player 2.2
- Sort playlist by drag and drop (used ng2-dragula)
Angular YouTube Player 2.1
- Categories with videos like (music, gaming, autos, films, sports, etc.)
- Refactoring code
- Search on specific region
- Fixing copy link for featured video
- UX improvements
Angular YouTube Player 2.0.1
- Import & export youtube playlist as .JSON file
Angular YouTube Player 2.0
- Global hotkeys for application in desktop (play/pause/next/prev, for keyboards with media buttons)
- Adding support for NW.js to export the app for desktop compatible: Windows x64, Linux x64
- Auto updating the app (desktop version)
Angular YouTube Player 1.9.2
- UX improvements and fixes
- Preparing files for 2.0
Angular YouTube Player 1.9.1
- Get settings.json for localstorage if your localstorage is empty
- The playlist automatically saving, if is empty it will be populated with related videos
- Toggle light/dark theme mode
- Share link button for all videos
- Reorganised settings page
- Auto saving for internal settings (check settings)
- Manual saving for external settings (check settings)
- Performance, UI and UX improvements and fixes
Angular YouTube Player 1.9
- Add/remove items from playlist, first time when is initialized It is prepopulated with related videos
- Next/prev video from your playlist
- Moved history to separate page
- Adding toggle video, repeat mode and list & grid on trending to settings.json
- Small fixes
Angular YouTube Player 1.7
- Added featured video as first video from trending
- Notifications for important actions you do
- Removed debugging mode
- Preparing packages, code and files for v2.0
- Improved UI/UX for lists
Angular YouTube Player 1.6
- Video details for current video and trending videos like number of views, likes and dislikes
- Share link for current video
- Added new setting for hiding all thumbnails
- Custom player buttons shows now only when you hide video
Angular YouTube Player 1.4
- History of your watched videos
- Small fixes
Angular YouTube Player 1.3
- Show/hide video player
- Repeat video
- Grid/list mode for trending videos
- Settings (you can set default from "assets/settings.json", soon will be directly from settings)
- Change country for trending videos (currently only three countries, US, UK and RO)
- Max results show in search (0 to 50)
- Max related videos (0 to 50)
Angular YouTube Player 1.2
- Introducing trending videos, currently default trending videos are from United States
- Refactoring the code
- Adding routes for future components which it will show in left navbar
- Default video will be first from trending videos
- Adding the video player
- Update the design to match the new features
Angular YouTube Player 1.1
- Adding mute/unmute functionality
- Improved user interface and user experience
- Adding settings functionality, the settings will get from assets/settings.json
- Show/hide debugging features
- Show/hide thumbnails in search
Angular YouTube Player 1.0.2
- Change volume on your video
- Related videos
Angular YouTube Player 1.0.0
- Search and play video from youtube
- Play/pause video
- Change time of your video that you want to listen
Future features
- iOS 8+ / android 5+ app (unversioned)
- *Room chat (unversioned)*
Roadmap to 3.0
- *Release a stable version (in v2.6.9)*
- *Set private/public room (in v2.7)*
- *List of public rooms (in v2.8)*
- *Room moderators which can add videos, kick roommates, mute roommates (in v2.9)*
Roadmap to 4.0
- Integrating YouTube account subscriptions/playlist (in v3.0)
Removed features
- Global hotkeys for application in desktop (play/pause/next/prev, for keyboards with media buttons)
- Adding support for NW.js to export the app for desktop compatible: Windows x64, Linux x64
- Auto updating the app (desktop version)
- Themes temporary removed
Copyright and License
Copyright quead under the MIT license.