s3-sqs-connector copied to clipboard
SqsClient: Unexpected error while parsing SQS message next on empty iterator
Error while parsing SQS message
The below data has been sent to SQS queue via python boto3 library:
data = {'ticket_id': '3000613'}
# Send message to SQS queue
response = sqs.send_message(
When we receive in SQS we are getting the following message:
"Body":"{\"ticket_id\": \"3000613\"}",
The following code was written using scala to receive the message:
val schema = new StructType()
.add(StructField("ticket_id", StringType))
val fileFormat = "json"
val inputDf = spark
.option("sqsUrl", queueUrl)
.option("region", "eu-west-1")
.option("awsAccessKeyId", "XXXXX")
.option("awsSecretKey", "XXXXXXX")
.option("fileFormat", fileFormat)
.option("sqsFetchIntervalSeconds", "2")
.option("useInstanceProfileCredentials", "false")
.option("sqsLongPollingWaitTimeSeconds", "5")
.option("maxFilesPerTrigger", "50")
.option("ignoreFileDeletion", "true")
val query = inputDf.writeStream
.queryName("sqs_records") // this query name will be the table name
.option("useInstanceProfileCredentials", "false")
.option("region", "eu-west-1")
.option("awsAccessKeyId", "XXXXXX")
.option("awsSecretKey", "XXXXXXXX")
We are not able to receive the message and getting the below error:
20/11/18 12:52:37 WARN SqsClient: Unexpected error while parsing SQS message next on empty iterator
Note: We observed that SqsClient:parseSqsMessages() method always expects to get s3 events-notifications message, else it will throw error.
@kartthikn This library allows Spark SQL Streaming Applications to read files from S3 with optimized listing using SQS with the help of S3 event-based notifications. It is not meant for using SQS as a data source for Spark.