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Python SDK for accessing Qubole Data Service

Qubole Data Service Python SDK

.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/qubole/qds-sdk-py.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/qubole/qds-sdk-py :alt: Build Status

A Python module that provides the tools you need to authenticate with, and use the Qubole Data Service API.


From PyPI

The SDK is available on `PyPI <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/qds_sdk>`_.


    $ pip install qds-sdk

From source
  • Get the source code:

    • Either clone the project: git clone [email protected]:qubole/qds-sdk-py.git and checkout latest release tag from Releases <https://github.com/qubole/qds-sdk-py/releases>_.

    • Or download one of the releases from https://github.com/qubole/qds-sdk-py/releases

  • Run the following command (may need to do this as root):


    $ python setup.py install
  • Alternatively, if you use virtualenv, you can do this:


    $ cd qds-sdk-py
    $ virtualenv venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
    $ python setup.py install

This should place a command line utility qds.py somewhere in your path


$ which qds.py


qds.py allows running Hive, Hadoop, Pig, Presto and Shell commands against QDS. Users can run commands synchronously - or submit a command and check its status.


$ qds.py -h  # will print detailed usage


  1. run a hive query and print the results


    $ qds.py --token 'xxyyzz' hivecmd run --query "show tables"
    $ qds.py --token 'xxyyzz' hivecmd run --script_location /tmp/myquery
    $ qds.py --token 'xxyyzz' hivecmd run --script_location s3://my-qubole-location/myquery
  2. pass in api token from bash environment variable


    $ export QDS_API_TOKEN=xxyyzz
  3. run the example hadoop command


    $ qds.py hadoopcmd run streaming -files 's3n://paid-qubole/HadoopAPIExamples/WordCountPython/mapper.py,s3n://paid-qubole/HadoopAPIExamples/WordCountPython/reducer.py' -mapper mapper.py -reducer reducer.py -numReduceTasks 1 -input 's3n://paid-qubole/default-datasets/gutenberg' -output 's3n://example.bucket.com/wcout'
  4. check the status of command # 12345678


    $ qds.py hivecmd check 12345678
    {"status": "done", ... }
  5. If you are hitting api_url other than api.qubole.com, then you can pass it in command line as --url or set in as env variable


    $ qds.py --token 'xxyyzz' --url https://<env>.qubole.com/api hivecmd ...
    $ export QDS_API_URL=https://<env>.qubole.com/api


An example Python application needs to do the following:

  1. Set the api_token and api_url (if api_url other than api.qubole.com):


    from qds_sdk.qubole import Qubole
    # or
    Qubole.configure(api_token='ksbdvcwdkjn123423', api_url='https://<env>.qubole.com/api')
  2. Use the Command classes defined in commands.py to execute commands. To run Hive Command:


    from qds_sdk.commands import *
    hc=HiveCommand.create(query='show tables')
    print "Id: %s, Status: %s" % (str(hc.id), hc.status)

example/mr_1.py contains a Hadoop Streaming example

Reporting Bugs and Contributing Code

  • Want to report a bug or request a feature? Please open an issue <https://github.com/qubole/qds-sdk-py/issues/new>_.
  • Want to contribute? Fork the project and create a pull request with your changes against unreleased branch.