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common: Fix translation loading, use all paths

Open digitalcircuit opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

In short

  • Fix QTranslator loading Qt translations on Linux
  • Load translations from all available translation data directories
    • Fixes failure to load translations on Windows due to Qt translation install path
    • Always includes internal resource when present (:/i18n/)
Criteria Rank Reason
Impact ★★★ 3/3 Fixes missing translations on Windows
Risk ★★☆ 2/3 Modifies translation search/load code, macOS untested
Intrusiveness ★☆☆ 1/3 Small set of changes, shouldn't interfere with other pull requests


As of 0.14.0, the Windows installer for Quassel places the Qt translations into C:\Program Files\Quassel IRC\translations folder, while Quassel's own translations are bundled internally in :/i18n/.

Before this change, Quassel would only try to load translations from one possible data path, missing the bundled translations in :/i18n/.

After this change, Quassel tries to load translations from all available data paths, including the bundled translations when present.



  1. Build and install Quassel
    • On Windows, download the Windows.zip artifact from GitHub Actions
  2. Open the configuration window
    • Go to SettingsConfigure Quassel…
    • Or, press F7
  3. Expand the Language: drop-down, check that expected languages are present
  4. Select a different language, apply
  5. Restart Quassel
  6. Check if the language applied successfully



Qt translations fail to load according to the false return status of qtTranslator->load(…) with QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath).


All translations fail to load.

The Language: setting in the configuration window displays <Untranslated>, <System Default>, and C as the only options.

Screenshot of the Quassel IRC client window in English showing the "Configure Quassel..." window with the "Language" dropdown expanded revealing a lack of translations.



Qt translations successfully load according to the true return status of qtTranslator->load(…) with QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath).

NOTE: For unknown reasons, even when Qt claims the translation loaded successfully, system strings (e.g. the Cancel button) does not get translated. Quassel's strings change successfully. This is not a regression as the same issue happens on the master branch.


Translations load and apply to both Quassel's strings and Qt's system strings (e.g. the Cancel button).

The Language: setting in the configuration window displays all the expected language options.

The Debug Log window now prints the following debug message:

Translation paths: "C:/Program Files/Quassel IRC\translations/", ":/i18n/", with Qt fallback: "C:/Program Files/Quassel IRC/translations"

Screenshot of the Quassel IRC client window in German showing the "Configure Quassel..." window with the "Language" dropdown expanded, showing a full list of translations as expected.

digitalcircuit avatar May 14 '22 08:05 digitalcircuit