quasar-ui-qwindow copied to clipboard
Finish vuejs 3/quasar 2 migration
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
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@nucle Is v2 compatibility in the works? How much work still needs to be done and do you need any help?
(I was part way through upgrading our production application to Quasar v2 but realized this was missing so I can't, unless I replace QWindows with QDialogs.)
P.S. - nice issue description 😄
Hi @jaredthirsk, I think about 85% is done. However, I have some glitches which I should fix and some tasks.
When I maximize and then restore the window, it has a different width/height and position.
Before Maximize:
After Restore:
Everything you need is in the next branch. So maybe you can take a look. At the moment, I am ill. I have COVID.
I think in two weeks i can work again on it.
BR, Chris
Any news ? BTW: current git build fails with
Error] QWindow.json: missing "props" -> "model-value" definition
Warning on line 22, column 3 of src/components/QWindow.sass:
This selector doesn't have any properties and won't be rendered.
22 │ .disabled, [disabled]
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[Error] build.api.js: something went wrong...
I've just started learning Vue and Quasar. I'm pretty excited to see this in Quasar 2 / Vue 3.
Hi @jaredthirsk, I think in two weeks i can work again on it.
@nucle How is it going? Are you healthy again?
I'm trying out the next branch and trying to get it working (first time working on an extension), but the extension seems to be referencing its own private version of Vue, which causes a failure in setup() for getting $q or calling onMounted -- so something is wrong.
Hello, @nucle, it has been a while since last update about V2, so i wonder how's going , and when do you release it ? Best regards!