quasar-ui-qmarkdown copied to clipboard
No refresh in dev mode?
I managed to get QMarkdown installed using a boot file, and it renders OK in dev mode, but it doesn't hot-reload on save. Changes to the rest of my SFC file refresh, but just changing the markdown content doesn't. Not sure why.
Boot file:
import { boot } from 'quasar/wrappers';
import { QMarkdown } from '@quasar/quasar-ui-qmarkdown';
import '@quasar/quasar-ui-qmarkdown/dist/index.css'
export default boot(({ app }) => {
app.component('QMarkdown', QMarkdown);
(and note, it is registered in the quasar config)
Source file IndexPage.vue
<q-page padding>
<!-- eslint-disable vue/html-indent -->
<q-markdown no-heading-anchor-links=1>
# This is **markdown**!!
Here's some paragraph text.
And some more. bla bla bla
<!-- eslint-enable vue/html-indent -->
<script setup lang="ts">
name: 'IndexPage'
I also note that I need to wrap the text with <pre>...</pre>
or it gets rendered as a single line of text. Separate issue I guess.