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Some Bloqs will not serialize.
This issue was originally discovered by serializing a composite bloq which contains an AND bloq. The AND bloq fails to serialize and raises this error. It is likely that there are other bloqs which will have similar problems.
A summary of the path to the error is as follows:
The path to the error is as follows:
Attempts to decompose bloq using bloq.decompose_bloq()
AND does not have this method implemented causing the decomposition to fallback on decompose_from_cirq_style_method().
This leads to it iterating through each of the individual operations.
One of these operations is both classically controlled and is not a gate which causes _extract_bloq_from_op to raise the error.
Please assign me to this issue as I am currently working on a fix.
The serialization code now tries to build a composite bloq; and if a composite bloq doesn't exist / cannot be built (eg: due to classically controlled operations appearing in the decomposition) it gracefully considers the bloq to be a leaf bloq. This issue can now be closed.
In [8]: bloqs_from_proto(bloqs_to_proto(And()))
[And(cv1=1, cv2=1, uncompute=0),
In [10]: bloqs_from_proto(bloqs_to_proto(And().adjoint()))
Out[10]: [And(cv1=1, cv2=1, uncompute=1), ArbitraryClifford(n=2)]