Hello, the generator is not working for me with sails 0.12 on windows 32-bit, i found a (workaround)[#222], if i followed the workaround, the generator will not throw any error,...
Hello, I'm using sails `0.12.1`, sails-auth `2.1.3`, sails-permissions `2.2.0` in my app, i have route set as ``` javascript 'get /:account/journal': { controller: 'journal', action: 'index', skipAssets: true, locals: {...
Hello, I'm testing sails-auth `2.1.3` with sails `0.12.1` I used `/auth/google` or other social auth to authorize session, when session is authorized, the default callback is to display the current...
Hello, I'm using sails `0.12.1`, node `4.3.1`, sails-auth `2.1.3`, sails-permissions `2.2.0` When I tried to authorized with `/auth/google` or `/auth/github`, from the debug log, i can see the auth profile...