Evan Jacobs

Results 294 comments of Evan Jacobs

We use `@emotion/unitless` for this; can you see if we need to upgrade it or if a bug needs to be filed to get the property added?

I think the fix is waiting to be merged on Emotion’s side: https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/pull/3014

I think what probably needs to happen here is to adjust `objToCssArray` to take an arbitrary `addUnitIfNeeded` function (falling back to the current if not passed) and then do a...

Just fyi there was no effort to sync repo types to definitelytyped's setup. A type migration guide would be great if someone wants to contribute one over on the website...

The beauty of open source is that we improve things together. PRs are more than welcome and I'd love to see someone with knowledge of the community types help out...

Honestly I've had an extremely trying summer at work (team was downsized and I'm now the sole maintainer for our design system plus support for 12 other teams) so I...

I think more is needed... "types" is at the top and then usually "./package.json" is by itself outside of the "." block.

I just don't see why it's needed... why isn't the `module` package.json field being respected? It's a common bundler pattern.

> Further digging into this it seems that the exports have been removed because of a problem with typings ([#3800 (comment)](https://github.com/styled-components/styled-components/issues/3800#issuecomment-1453355949), hence #3961). > > Actually IMHO the root cause...