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WannierTools: An open-source software package for novel topological materials. Full documentation:
Hello, Dear Wu @quanshengwu When pull down the package git clone https://github.com/quanshengwu/wannier_tools.git And in the latest version, there may be some bugs in the "Find Nodes calculation". See below: in...
Hello everyone, I met with a problem in calculation the surface state of a trigonal system (SG. 166, R-3m), with the hr file from Quantum Espresso. I have attached the...
Hello there, Does anybody aware of these observations for the latest version 2.6.2 or just my case: When I examine the WT.out file I found _strange values of lattice vectors...
Hi, I did wannier calculation with wannier90 on the 2D hexagonal unit cell. By this computation we have produced hr.dat. After this step, we wish to look at the edge...
Dear Developers, While compilling master-version for gfortran-mpi I got an error: wanniercenter_adaptive.o: In function `wcc_integrate_func_': /home/dmitry/nfs_sm/_prog_/wannier_tools-master/src/wanniercenter_adaptive.f90:849: undefined reference to `arpack_sparse_coo_eigs_' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status Makefile:36: recipe for...
Hi experts, I am looking to find Nodal lines in my materials. I used Gap_bulk_plane and added a path for this. It gives me energy states of 4 conduction and...
Dear WannierTools developers, I am studying a nodal line semimetal and tried calculating the locations of nodes (`FindNodes_calc = T`). I used the same `KCUBE_BULK` given in the user guide,...
Hi experts, I am checking the charity of Weyl points, My question is what is a good size of mesh for checking Charality Calculations. BY changing mesh size charity is...
I set the external magnetic field either Bx=0,By=0,Bz=0 or Bmagnitude=0, Btheta=0, and Bphi=0. But, it seems like they do not read the tags and set the 1T external magnetic field...
Hello, I am using vasp to wannier90 then wannier tool to Calculate topological properties so I have a problem like in the Gamma_A direction in DFT there is only one...