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Downsampled Open Images Dataset V4 with 15.4 M bounding boxes for 600 categories on 1.9M images


Downsampled Open Images Dataset V4


The Open Images V4 dataset contains 15.4M bounding-boxes for 600 categories on 1.9M images and 30.1M human-verified image-level labels for 19794 categories. The dataset is available at this link. This total size of the full dataset is 18TB. There's also a smaller version which contains rescaled images to have at most 1024 pixels on the longest side. However, the total size of the rescaled dataset is still large (513GB for training, 12GB for validation and 36GB for testing).

I provide a much smaller version of the Open Images Dataset V4, as inspired by Downsampled ImageNet datasets @PatrykChrabaszcz. These downsampled dataset are much smaller in size so everyone can download it with ease (59GB for training with 512px version and 16GB for training with 256px version). Experiments on these downsampled dataset are also much faster than the original.


Dataset Train Size Validation Size Test Size Test Challenge Size Google Drive AcademicTorrents
Original 513 GB 12 GB 36 GB 9.7 GB
512px 52.8 GB 1.23 GB 3.72 GB 3.08 GB Link Link
256px 16 GB 0.4 GB 1.14 GB 0.95 GB Link Link


  • pillow
  • loguru

Usage [-h] -i IN_DIR -o OUT_DIR [-s SIZE] [-ext EXTENSION]
                        [-a ALGORITHM] [-j PROCESSES] [-l LOG]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i IN_DIR, --in_dir IN_DIR
                        Input directory with source images
  -o OUT_DIR, --out_dir OUT_DIR
                        Output directory for resized images
  -s SIZE, --size SIZE  Size of an output image (e.g. 512 results in (512x512)
  -ext EXTENSION, --extension EXTENSION
                        Extension of the output image (jpg, png). Default
                        empty means the same as source
  -a ALGORITHM, --algorithm ALGORITHM
                        Algorithm used for resampling: lanczos, nearest,
                        bilinear, bicubic, box, hamming
  -j PROCESSES, --processes PROCESSES
                        Number of sub-processes that run different folders in
                        the same time
  -l LOG, --log LOG     Path of the output log
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Number of images between each verbose in each thread

For example, the 512px dataset is created with the following command:

python -i data\train -o output\train -j 4 -ext jpg -a lanczos -s 512



Parts of the code are inspired by the Downsampled ImageNet datasets @PatrykChrabaszcz.