@0ximDigital You maybe check: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35424372/dagger-2-inject-error-in-appcompatactivity/35424973#35424973 problem: maybe you added dagger in both library & app module. Hope this help.
@serh-ai currently, there is no way. But I am trying to export this cli as a library on the maven. So you can use it in junit in the futre.
@tpluscode Thank you for the feedback. Let me try to implement a javascript `Context` . If you have any experience with GraalVM Javascript context, the PR is welcome!
@tpluscode I will try to implement it this weekend. Thank you!
@tpluscode I got it. Thank you for sharing more detail.
Hi @razvanmuscalu Currently, there is no delay supported between the two requests. You can fork this project and add some delay time here: https://github.com/restcli/restcli/blob/master/src/main/java/uos/dev/restcli/HttpRequestFilesExecutor.kt#L144 Since I can only work on...
@victormln Good catch. I will check more docs then define those predefined variables.
Yes, I planned to implement the (cookie jar) in the next version. I will update this issue when the code is done. Thank you for the feedback!
Hi @gcbartlett, Sorry for the late reply. I don't have much experiences for `TERM` setting. So I will keep this issues open if someone can help. The restcli is designed...
I'm ok with that feature. the PR is welcome.