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PMBM filter for Multi-Object Tracking with a focus on NuScenes dataset.

Multi-Object Tracking with Poisson Multi-Bernoulli Mixture (PMBM) Filter

This repo contains by implementation of PMBM filter for multi-object tracking in the setting of NuScenes Dataset. This is a part of my Master thesis at École Centrale de Nantes.

Quantitative Result

The following table compares the performance of PMBM filter against the NuScenes Tracking Challenge's baseline AB3DMOT and the tracker that win the challenge in 2019 StanfordIPRL-TRI in term of per-class and overall AMOTA. All three trackers under comparison here use MEGVII as object detections. The validation split of NuScenes is used for comparison.

Method Overall bicycle bus car motorcycle pedestrian trailer truck
AB3DMOT 17.9 0.9 48.9 36.0 5.1 9.1 11.1 14.2
StanfordIPRL-TRI 56.1 27.2 74.1 73.5 50.6 75.5 33.7 58.0
PMBM-MEGVII 57.4 22.8 73.9 76.7 58.2 75.3 36.7 58.2

Like StanfordIPRL-TRI, PMBM filer significantly improves AMOTA of every class of objects compared to the baseline.

Since MEGVII, there is a number of advancements made to object detection. Exploiting the high quality detcetion of CenterPoint which is currently the best object detector in NuScenes Detection Challenge, CenterTrack outperforms the rest in Nuscenes Tracking Challenge. The comparisons between PMBM using CenterPoint as object detector and CenterTrack is shown below

Method Overall bicycle bus car motorcycle pedestrian trailer truck
CenterTrack 65.0 33.1 71.5 81.8 58.7 78.0 69.3 62.5
PMBM-CenterPoint 62.6 30.5 68.8 78.5 60.5 76.8 65.9 57.5

Qualitative Result

The demonstration of multi-object tracking in scene 0757 of the NuScenes dataset is shown below. This figure shows the multi-object tracking in 3D projected onto CAM_FRONT image.

Using This Repo


First, clone the repository containing a Python wrapper for implementation of Murty's algorithm

git clone --recursive [email protected]:erikbohnsack/murty.git

Before building this wrapper, comment out line 5 to line 8 of CMakeLists.txt. Next, in the murty directory (that is just cloned)

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

A .so file will be created. (for me this file named: murty.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu).

Clone this repo

git clone

Then copy the .so file created previously to pmbm-filter directory. Finally, install NuScenes devkit

git clone
cd nuscenes-devkit
pip install -r setup/requirements.txt

Tracking In 1 Scene

This is to create a demonstration of tracking in one scene of NuScenes. First, extract all object detection of this scene by executing the notebook notebook/nuscenes_get_true_detection_measurement.ipynb. This notebook will read the detection file (the default is MEGVII's detection) and extract all detection in the scene of interest, then store it as a json file in the directory scene-detection. If you don't want to run this notebook, there is one detection file for scene 0757 in scene-detection.

Second, run PMBM on this scene

python ----detection_file fixed-megvii-measurement-full-scene-0757.json

The result of the second step is a file in folder estimation-result contains the tracking result at every time step of scene 0757 . Finally, visualize tracking result

python visualization/ --version v1.0-mini --dataroot full_path_NuScenes_directory 
--estimation_file estimation-scene-0757-20200709-123722.json --scene_name scene-0757

Press space to pause the visualization or Esc to exit.

Tracking In Test Set

First, download CenterPoint detection file for NuScene Test set at

Next, execute the notebook notebook/unzip_CenterTrack_detection.ipynb. This notebook will fill the directory centerPoint-per-scene-detection will 150 json files each file contains all the detection of the scene whose token is the file name.

Finally, run PMBM on the whole test set


This can take up to 45 minutes.


The implementation here is inpsired by in the way of organizing global hypotheses. In addition, the covariance of motion model for each class of tracking objects is originated from StanfordIPRL-TRI