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Kubernetes operator for ephemeral services with auto-ingress


Project Status: Concept – Minimal or no implementation has been done yet, or the repository is only intended to be a limited example, demo, or proof-of-concept. CI

Kubernetes operator for ephemeral service with auto-ingress.

kind: Ephemeron
apiVersion: ephemerons.qualified.io/v1alpha1
  name: "foo"
    # The name of the image to use.
    image: "nginx"
    # The exposed port to route to.
    port: 80
  # When to kill
  expirationTime: "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z"

With EPHEMERON_DOMAIN=example.com, creating the above resource makes the service available at foo.example.com until 2021-03-01T00:00:00Z.


The controller is configured with the following environment variables:

  • EPHEMERON_DOMAIN (required): The main domain to use.

Status Condition Types

  • PodReady: True when Pod is Ready (not necessarily serving).
  • Available: True when Service has endpoints associated.

Project Structure

├── k8s/                 Kubernetes manifests
│   ├── ephemerons.yaml  - Ephemeron CRD
│   └── example.yaml     - Example resource
└── src/
    ├── api/             Implements the Web API
    ├── bin/             Executables
    │   ├── api.rs       - Start Web API
    │   ├── crd.rs       - Output CRD YAML
    │   └── run.rs       - Run controller (default-run)
    ├── controller/      Implements the Controller
    ├── resource/        Implements the Custom Resource
    └── lib.rs

Dev Commands

  • cargo run: Run controller
  • cargo run --bin crd: Output CRD
  • cargo run --bin api: Start Web API server


Run Controller

Add CRD and wait for Established condition:

kubectl apply -f k8s/ephemerons.yaml
kubectl wait --for=condition=Established crd/ephemerons.qualified.io

Run controller:

EPHEMERON_DOMAIN=example.com cargo run
sslip.io can be used for local development

k3d/k3s example:

LB_IP=$(kubectl get svc -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}' -n kube-system traefik)
EPHEMERON_DOMAIN="$LB_IP.sslip.io" cargo run

*. resolves to

With kubectl

Add Ephemeron:

# Set environment variable `EXPIRES` and apply `k8s/example.yaml` with it.
# The following example will expire tomorrow.
export EXPIRES=$(date -d "+1 days" -Iseconds --utc)
envsubst < k8s/example.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
# Wait for the `Available` condition
kubectl wait --for=condition=Available ephemeron/example

Check that the example is deployed:

host=$(kubectl get eph example -o jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.host}')
curl $host | grep "<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>"


  • POST /: Create a new service based on preset specified in config that lives for lifetimeMinutes.
    • Request {preset: String, lifetimeMinutes: u32}.
    • Response {id: String, expirationTime: DateTime<Utc>}. Use this id to control the resource.
  • GET /{id}: Get the hostname of the service if available.
    • Response {host: Option<String>, expirationTime: DateTime<Utc>, tls: bool}.
      • host is a string {id}.{domain} when available. Otherwise, null.
      • expirationTime is when the service is destroyed.
      • tls is true if TLS is configured.
  • PATCH /{id}: Update the expiration time.
    • Request {lifetimeMinutes: u32}.
    • Response {expirationTime: DateTime<Utc>}. The new expiration date time.
  • DELETE /{id}: Delete the resource and any resources it owns.
  • POST /auth: Authenticate with credentials set in config to get token. Other routes requires Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN.
    • Designed to be used by some backend service to authenticate on behalf of its user. key should be kept secret.
    • Request {app: String, key: String, uid: String, gid?: String}. uid must be unique within app. gid is an optional id of the group user belongs to.
    • Response {token: String}. token is a JWT with sub set to {uid}.{app}.

Start the server:

EPHEMERON_CONFIG=k8s/api/config.yaml JWT_SECRET=secret cargo run --bin api

Get token using app and key set in config:

curl \
    -X POST \
    http://localhost:3030/auth \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d "{\"app\": \"example\", \"key\": \"apikey\", \"uid\": \"user\"}"

Create some service:

curl \
    -X POST \
    http://localhost:3030/ \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
    -d "{\"preset\": \"nginx\", \"lifetimeMinutes\": 30}"
# {"id": "c0nddh7s3ok4clog56n0"}

Get the host. (There's no convenient way to wait until it's ready at the moment and host is null when it's not ready.)

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" http://localhost:3030/c0nddh7s3ok4clog56n0
# {"host": "c0nddh7s3ok4clog56n0.example.com"}

See if it's working:

curl c0nddh7s3ok4clog56n0.example.com | grep "<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>"
# <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>



Push images to a local registry

# Create local registry first
k3d registry create dev.localhost
# Find the port
PORT=$(docker port k3d-dev.localhost 5000/tcp | cut -d ':' -f 2)
# Create a new cluster with the registry
k3d cluster create dev --registry-use k3d-dev.localhost:$PORT
docker buildx build --tag ghcr.io/qualified/ephemeron-controller:latest --file ./k8s/controller/Dockerfile .
docker tag ghcr.io/qualified/ephemeron-controller:latest k3d-dev.localhost:$PORT/ephemeron-controller:latest
docker push k3d-dev.localhost:$PORT/ephemeron-controller:latest
docker buildx build --tag ghcr.io/qualified/ephemeron-api:latest --file ./k8s/api/Dockerfile .
docker tag ghcr.io/qualified/ephemeron-api:latest k3d-dev.localhost:$PORT/ephemeron-api:latest
docker push k3d-dev.localhost:$PORT/ephemeron-api:latest

Create Service Accounts

kubectl apply -f k8s/controller/sa.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/api/sa.yaml

Create Deployments

LB_IP="$(kubectl get svc -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}' -n kube-system traefik)"
export DOMAIN="$LB_IP.sslip.io"
export IMAGE=k3d-dev.localhost:$PORT/ephemeron-controller:latest
envsubst < k8s/controller/deployment.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

export IMAGE=k3d-dev.localhost:$PORT/ephemeron-api:latest
export HOST="api.$DOMAIN"
export JWT_SECRET=$(echo $RANDOM | md5sum | head -c 10)
envsubst < k8s/api/deployment.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Cleaning Up

Delete all Ephemerons. All the resources owned by them are deleted as well:

kubectl delete ephs --all
