I see, thank you. So this is fixed?
@MishaTY Any ideas on the possible cause or how to debug this?
Please provide more details about what is happening. What does not work?
The userkit now works with vs22
This is currently not supported but an open feature, which we want to add.
Where is vmware installed? Can the current user launch it?
Looking at the code https://github.com/CosmosOS/Cosmos/blob/4a30847dec29c98aa0a445d69eb8067a2e9574d1/source/Cosmos.Debug.Hosts/VMware.cs#L70-L92 it is failing when trying to launch vmware. Could you try install vmware at some other location?
The issue is with long not int, where we cannot use the div assembly instruction.
Well if its too slow to be practical then I would consider it a bug
GetUsedRAM returns an uint not a long