
Results 52 comments of qtwrk

> > It can be done with ESI. > > Thank you, can you post a few links related to my problem? create an ESI block , doc page [here](https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/api/#generate-esi-block-url)

Hi, Could you please provide the full user agent header from your safari ? Best regards,

Hi, please either revert to previous version , or use this htaccess rewrite rule as temp fix ``` RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} "!image/webp" RewriteRule ^(.*).(jpg|jpeg|png|gif).webp $1.$2 [L] ``` We will investigate this...

> > Will add a JS detection to make it. > > PHP detection won't be better? So the browser won't have to load another script. > > ``` >...

Hi, Please check this [wiki](https://www.litespeedtech.com/support/wiki/doku.php/litespeed_wiki:cache:lscwp:troubleshooting:why_purge_often) for how to get tag. Best regards,

Hi, yes, I have a small addon for this https://github.com/qtwrk/lscwp-addon create a directory in /wp-content/plugins/ , name `lscwp-addon` , then create a php file inside of it , name `lscwp-addon.php`...

yeah well , when I wrote that thing , I was using the WP's default theme to play with : ) the idea behind that addon was: 1. create an...

that's technically NOT possible the warning happens because the IP as hostname does not match the cert which is normal , it happens to all kind of program that opens...

you can add some CLI command , like create a website with one of your subdomain's, then run hostname SSL on this

what happens if you simply create a php file with code ```