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Support for Automotive IVI Systems
Qt Ivi
This repository hosts multiple Qt modules: the QtIvi modules and the QtGeniviExtras module.
How to build
make install
By running qmake for the first time, a configuration step runs and tries to detect a configuration that works on your system. At the end a configuration summary is printed, incl. some notes on what the configuration might be missing due to dependencies missing.
Please read this configuration output first and try to fix the dependencies before creating bug reports.
The configuration step is based on Qt's configure system and also offers some command-line arguments for enabling/disabling certain features. More about how to configure qtivi can be found here:
Qt Genivi Extras: Platform specific components for GENIVI
This module is similar to qtwinextras or qtmacextras and contains specific components for GENIVI based Linux systems.
Currently the only component it contains is a Qt Categorized Logging Binding towards GENIVI DLT (Diagnostic Log and Trace)
This module has a dependency towards dlt-daemon (https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/display/PROJ/Diagnostic+Log+and+Trace)
The dlt-daemon needs to be installed into the system and needs to be detectable by pkg-config.
If the dependencies are not satisfied the complete module is disabled and is not built at all.
See the QtGeniviExtras documentation for more information: