Dr. Quinten Stokkink

Results 216 comments of Dr. Quinten Stokkink

Very relevant: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=4220960 http://www.ece.neu.edu/fac-ece/ioannidis/static/pdf/2011/IICM.recsys11.pdf https://hal-lirmm.ccsd.cnrs.fr/lirmm-00640735/file/F2Frec-10october.pdf https://www-sciencedirect-com.tudelft.idm.oclc.org/science/article/pii/S0306457316306471

Best idea so far: Use a Polytomous Rasch model ([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polytomous_Rasch_model)) to reach a decision (`SUPPRESS`, `DELETE`, `STORE`, `COLLECT`, `SPREAD`) based on the decisions (`SUPPRESS`, `DELETE`, `STORE`, `COLLECT`, `SPREAD`) of others...

*Brain dump 06 Mar 2019* **Assumptions**: \- Ledger with consensus \- Trust function **Payoff**: The more trustworthy you are, the less disk I/O you need to do. **Trade-off**: The more...

Here it is in function form for easier reading: ![afbeelding](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3630389/54023925-8b54c880-4196-11e9-9acb-bf5c84670a52.png)

The first experiment will be centered around decentralizing Twitter. It is based on a public Twitter data set of a flash crowd, over a one week timespan and for roughly...

Here is the replication graph after the first 100 hours of data processing (first +- 90 hours were 8 cores @ 3.2 GHz, last +- 20 hours were assisted with...

First results for deduplication in a completely decentralized setting (CHECO + TrustChain in this case) using PageRank for reputation. First the amount of items that would be stored using CHECO...

![afbeelding](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3630389/56428397-84ee5c00-62bf-11e9-8e19-a7f9bec8dedd.png) These experiments have a fixed 4 tps rate per peer. Ranking of means (p-value < 10^-6) smallest amount of duplication to largest: 1. 2 facilitators, 20 peer neighborhood, CHECO...

The IPv8 code for this functionality has not been changed since the breaking changes mentioned in #6309. You should be able to limit your search to refactorings in Tribler and...

> The reason is Python copies strings on slicing, resulting in useless waste of memory and CPU cycles. I agree with the conclusion that implementing a dedicated tunnel endpoint is...