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feat: Collection View Improvements
Status Quo
Collection view is currently an alphabetical list of dataset references in the user's local repo.
- User can filter the list using local string matching
- User can click a dataset to load it into workbench view
- User can create a new dataset using button (opens modal) or drag and drop file
- User can clone a dataset using button (opens modal)
- The list lives in the left pane. The right pane is unused except as a drop zone.
Improvements (Needs Mockups)
Multi-select list view(s)
Collection should be a table view, more akin to a folder listing that shows name and descriptive info.
- User can sort the list by any of the headers (username, dataset name, last commit timestamp, size, rows, etc.
- dataset username
- dataset name
- latest commit
- size
- entries
- published/unpublished
- up to date/needs sync
- User can select one or many datasets and perform actions on those datasets
- Remove
- Duplicate
- Publish/Unpublish
- Sync
Group by username vs Consolidated List
User can toggle between a consolidated list of all datasets in their repo or a set of lists for each username. The local user's list will be shown first, other users' datasets will follow.
Or, should there be a notion of "my datasets" vs "other users' datasets" and we show two lists instead of one for each user?
Recently Used Datasets
- Add a pane of 3 most recently used datasets. When a user returns to collection view, they can quickly re-open datasets they recently had open.
Cloning and "new" indicator
Cloning currently opens the newly-cloned dataset in the workbench. Cloning from collection view should show a progress bar and result in a new item added to the list. Use a colored dot or glyph to show "new" datasets that have not been viewed (or maybe leave the new indicator in place for a set time, perhaps 24 hours)
Importing a CSV should behave in a similar way to cloning, show a progress bar, add the item to the list with a new indicator.
Sorting may be enough to quickly find datasets in the list, but filtering or some kind of search may be needed when collections get larger. Th