I train data output error. cmd: torchpack dist-run -np 2 python tools/ configs/nuscenes/det/transfusion/secfpn/camera+lidar/swint_v0p075/convfuser.yaml pretrained/swint-nuimages-pretrained.pth --load_from pretrained/lidar-only-det.pth error: after_run: (VERY_LOW ) TextLoggerHook (VERY_LOW ) TensorboardLoggerHook -------------------- 2023-09-20 10:02:27,882 - mmdet3d...
Hi : The img_aug_matrix defualt data is: 0.480 0.000 0.000 -32.000 0.000 0.480 0.000 -176.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 I want to ask... first 0.48 is...
Hello author: I want to ask a question. Why are the matrices camera2lidar, camera_intrinsics, lidar2image and img_aug_matrix in 10 dimensions and how do they correspond to intrinsic and extrinsics parameters?...
Hi: Excuse me. Is the relationship between camera2lidar and lidar2image inverse?