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Documenting SciML interface
@David-pl @krastanov @amilsted I am thinking about how we should document the recent work with solving ODE, SDE problems in QO and the integration of a few of the Julia AD packages. Would it be best to create a completely new section of the documentation manual, perhaps titled "Integration with SciML" and have the subsections "OrdinaryDiffEq.jl", "StochasticDiffEq.jl", and "Autodifferentiation"? Or, maybe it would be better to add on to the subsections that are already in the docs. For instance, under "Time-evolution->Schrodinger Equation", we could write at the bottom something along the lines of: "you can also solve the Schrödinger equation directly with OrdinaryDiffEq.jl with our types, here's how you can do it."
It could be that either approach doesn't matter to you, but I just wanted to check before I submit a large amount of documentation.