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Return noise in stochastic solvers
When solving Stochastic Schrödinger or Master equations, it is often interesting to know the time-dependent noise that was generated by the solver. For instance when simulating homodyne or heterodyne detection, the measurement signal for the $n$-th stochastic jump operator $C_n$ reads
$$\mathrm{d}Y_n = \sqrt{\eta}\langle C_n + C_n^\dagger\rangle \mathrm{d}t + \xi_n(t)$$
(Using the same notations as the documentation.)
While it is possible to get $\langle C_n + C_n^\dagger\rangle$ from the stochastic.master
and stochastic.schrodinger
solvers, I was not able to return $\xi_n(t)$. Is this possible to implement this feature?
Below is a simple workaround for anyone interested.
using DifferentialEquations
using QuantumOptics
using PyPlot
# Predefine noise
W = RealWienerProcess(0.0, 0.0, save_everystep=true)
# Run simulation
tout, rhot = stochastic.master(timespan, rho0, H, J, C; dt=dt, noise=W)
exp = expect(M, rhot)
# Plot expectation value and noise against time
plot(tout, exp)
plot(W.t, W)