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A lite wrapper around Shewchuk's triangle.


TriangleLite is a lite wrapper of the triangle library written in C++. It is created by Qingnan Zhou as a coding exercise to make using the triangle library less tedious.

Quick start (Python)

TriangleLite is available in python via pip:

pip install trianglelite

Here is a quick example of using TriangleLite in Python:

import trianglelite

# Triangulation configuration.
config = trianglelite.Config()
config.max_area = 0.1

# Create triangulation engine and setting input.
engine = trianglelite.Engine()
engine.in_points = np.array(...)
engine.in_segments = np.array(...)

# Run triangulation.

# Extract output.
out_points = engine.out_points
out_triangles = engine.out_triangles

Quick start (C++)

#include <trianglelite/trianglelite.h>

using Scalar = trianglelite::Scalar;
using Index = trianglelite::Index;

// Initialize a single unit triangle as input.
std::vector<Scalar> points{ x0, y0, x1, y1, ... };
std::vector<int> segments { s00, s01, s10, s11, ... };

// Set input.
trianglelite::Engine engine;
engine.set_in_points(, points.size()/2);
engine.set_in_segments(, segments.size()/2);

// Set triangle configuration.
trianglelite::Config config;
config.max_area = 0.1;

// Run!;

// Extract output.
Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, -1, 2> out_points = engine.get_out_points();
Eigen::Matrix<Index, -1, 2> out_triangles = engine.get_out_triangles();

A few notable things about TriangleLite:

  • All data structure and their member fields are properly initialized. Users only need to set a few relevant fields.
  • Data can be passed into and out of TriangleLite without any redundant copying or conversion. All inputs are passed to trianglelite::Engine in the form of raw C array, and all output can be extracted as Eigen::Map.
  • TriangleLite uses more human-readable Config object instead of command line switches.
  • TriangleLite comes with support for winding-number-based automatic hole detection (not shown in this example).


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Detailed usage

There are 4 steps involved in using TriangleLite: import input, configure, run and extract output. In the following code snippets, we assume engine is of type trianglelite::Engine.


In order to be fully generic, all inputs to TriangleLite are passed in using raw C arrays. TriangleLite does not assume the ownership of these memories, and the user is responsible for keeping them valid throughout the lifetime of the engine object.

Import points

Input points must be stored in contiguous memory of Scalars in the form of [x0, y0, x1, y1, ...]. For example:

std::vector<Scalar> points{
    0.0, 0.0,  // point 0
    1.0, 0.0,  // point 1
    0.0, 1.0   // point 2
engine.set_in_points(, 3);

Import segments

Input segments are stored in contiguous memory of point indices. For example:

std::vector<Index> segments {
    0, 1,  // segment 1 connects vertex 0 and 1.
    1, 2,  // segment 2
    2, 0   // segemnt 3
engine.set_in_segments(, 3);

Note that while triangle works with unoriented segments, it is actually beneficial to use oriented segments (i.e. each segments should be oriented in a counterclockwise fashion, which has interior on the left hand side). With oriented segments, TriangleLite can deduce holes using winding-number-based auto hole detection feature.

Import hole list

Without using the auto hole detection feature, users must provide a set of hole points to help triangle to identify holes. To set these hole points:

std::vector<Scalar> holes {
    0.0, 0.0,  // hole point 0
    1.0, 0.0   // hole point 1
engine.set_in_holes(, 2);

Import triangles

Sometimes, we have a triangulation to start with and want to have it refined. The triangulation can be imported with the following snippet:

std::vector<Index> triangles {
    0, 1, 2,  // triangle 0
    2, 1, 3   // triangle 1
engine.set_in_triangles(, 2)

Import area constraint

For triangle refinement, one can import an area field to control triangle density. To do that:

std::vector<Scalar> areas {
   0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1, ...
engine.set_in_areas(, areas.size());

Set point and segment markers

One of the important features of triangle is to track the input points and segments in the output triangulation. This is done by setting the input point and segment markers:

std::vector<int> point_markers {
engine.set_in_point_markers(, point_markers.size());

std::vector<int> segment_markers {
engine.set_in_segemnt_markers(, segment_markers.size());


The triangle library uses a set of command line switches to configure triangulation parameters. I find it a bit difficult to memorize. Instead, TriangleLite uses a Config struct to make the code more readable. Here is a list of fields one can configure:

Field name Type Description
min_angle Scalar Controls the triangulation quality. Default is 20 degree.
max_area Scalar Controls the triangulation density. Default is -1 (i.e. unconstrained).
max_num_steiner Index Number of inserted Steiner points. Default is -1 (i.e. unlimited).
verbose_level Index Verbosity level ranges from 0 to 4. 0: quiet, 4: debug only. Default is 1.
convex_hull Bool Whether to triangulate the entire convex hull. Default is false.
conforming Bool Enforce all triangle to be Delaunay, not just constrained Delaunay. Default is false.
exact Bool Use exact arithmetic. Default is true.
split_boundary Bool Allow mesh boundary to be split. Default is true.
auto_hole_detection Bool Using winding number to automatically detect holes. Default is false.


Once all inputs are imported, the next step is to triangulate the domain with the specified configuration:;


To extract the output triangulation:

Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, -1, 2> points = engine.get_out_points();
Eigen::Matrix<Index, -1, 3> triangles = engine.get_out_triangles();

Note that the above code copies data out of engine object. The return types of get_out_* methods are Eigen::Maps, which wrap around internal memories managed by TriangleLite. For users who are familiar with Eigen, it is possible to avoid this copy by working directly with Eigen::Map objects while keeping the engine object alive.

In addition to the basic triangulation, it is also possible to extract output edges, segments, triangle connectivity, point/segment markers:

Eigen::Matrix<Index, -1, 2> edges = engine.get_out_edges();
Eigen::Matrix<Index, -1, 2> segments = engine.get_out_segments();
Eigen::Matrix<Index, -1, 3> tri_neighbors = engine.get_out_triangle_neighbors();
Eigen::Matrix<Index, -1, 1> point_marker = engine.get_out_point_markers();
Eigen::Matrix<Index, -1, 1> segment_marker = engine.get_out_segment_markers();
Eigen::Matrix<Index, -1, 1> edge_marker = engine.get_out_edge_markers();
  • Edges are the edges of the triangulation.
  • Segments are a set of edges that maps back to input segments.
  • Triangle neighbors provide information of triangle-triangle connectivity.
  • Point/segment markers are markers that got mapped from the input point/segments.
  • Edge markers are markers that got mapped from the input segments to output edges.

More details about boundary markers can be found here.