termishare icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
termishare copied to clipboard

Peer to peer terminal sharing


Peer to peer terminal sharing

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The motivation behind termishare is to provide a safe and fast way to access a remote terminal.

In order to achieve that, termishare uses a combination of WebSocket and WebRTC:

  • WebSocket - is used only for signaling - which is a process to establish WebRTC connection
  • WebRTC - the primary connection to stream your terminal to other clients

Getting started


Using brew

brew tap qnkhuat/tap && brew install termishare

Using release

  1. Go to our release page and get a pre-built binary of termishare. Make sure you get the one that match your OS.
  2. Untar the package tar -xzf termishare_x.y.z.tar.gz
  3. (Optional) Move it to /usr/local/bin folder so that you could use termishare anywhere : mv termishare /usr/local/bin


  1. To start a sharing session, just run termisnare
  2. Termishare will echo out a connection url you can use to connect via:
    • browser
    • terminal with command :termishare {{connection_url}}


There are chances where a direct peer-to-peer connection can't be established, so I included a TURN server that I created using CoTURN.

If relay to the TURN server is something you don't want, you can:

  • Disable the usage of turn server (with -no-turn flag)
  • Creates your own TURN server connect to it by changing in cfg/termishare.go then re-compile termishare (sorry)


Termishare server is a jar file, it contains both the signaling server and the UI, so it's fairlly simple to self-host termishare:

  1. Install java
  2. Download termishare.jar from our release page
  3. Start it with java -jar termishare.jar, by default it'll start at localhost:3000. You can use TERMISHARE_HOST and TERMISHARE_PORT env to change the default values.
  4. Now you can connect to your server using termishare with termishare -server localhost:3000


  • [x] Move both the front-end and server to server as one
  • [x] Connect to termishare session via termishare itself, instead of web-client
  • [x] Install via brew/apt
  • [ ] Customize TURN server
  • [ ] Approval mechanism

Similar projects

  • https://github.com/elisescu/tty-share
  • https://github.com/tmate-io/tmate