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Unable to avoid logging on console
QAF Version - 2.1.14
Note: only the latest version is supported
Steps To Reproduce
1. Create a Project using QAF Blank Maven Project and Add qaf-support-ws
2. Add Scenarios for Web Services & Try to execute them
3. Disable/remove or change the root category to ERROR/FATAL
Expected behavior
Console log should print only ERROR logs
Actual behavior
Console log is printing ALL THE LOG VERBOSE
Is the issue reproducible on runner?
- [ ] QAS
- [x] Maven
- [ ] Gradle
- [ ] Ant
- [ ] Eclipse
Test case sample
Please, share the test case (as small as possible) which shows the issue
For older version of qaf (below 3.1.0) there is log4j1.x dependency from framework. There may be other logging libraries taking control of logging instead of log4j. You should try to find out which logging implementation takes control and configure accordingly. Check similar questions in users group and stack overflow
- QAF | Switch off logging to console
- disable INFO com.qmetry.qaf.automation.ui.WebDriverCommandLogger loging
From qaf version 3.1.0, qaf doesn't include log4j dependency. User need to choose/add logging framework of their choice ( for example log4j, log4j2, slf4j, Logback etc.) and configure logging as per logging framework used. Refer release-notes