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appiumDriver - Unable to create driver instance in real device

Open Priya335021 opened this issue 6 years ago • 3 comments

QAF Version: 2.1.13

Note: only the latest version is supported

Steps To Reproduce

1. After setting up the all desired capabilities, while running the testNG xml file, it is showing below issue. There are no other stack trace available in console too.

Unable to create driver instance in 1st attempt with retry timeout of 0 seconds. You can check/set value of 'driver.init.retry.timeout' appropriately to set retry timeout on driver initialization failure.Unable to Create Driver Instance for appium: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException Build info: version: '2.53.0', revision: '35ae25b1534ae328c771e0856c93e187490ca824', time: '2016-03-15 10:43:46' System info: host: 'indch221652', ip: '', 'Windows 10', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '10.0', java.version: '1.8.0_181' Driver info: driver.version: unknown

Expected behavior

Driver should intialize

Actual behavior

Driver intialization failure

Is the issue reproducible on runner?

  • [ ] QAS
  • [x] Maven
  • [ ] Gradle
  • [ ] Ant
  • [x] Eclipse

Test case sample

Appium capabilities were set like below.

remote.server= remote.port=4723 appium.additional.capabilities= {'app':'path/xxx.apk','deviceName':'xxxxxxxxxxx','platformName':'Android','platformVersion':'8.1.0','automationName':'Appium','driverClass':'','appPackage':'appPackage','appActivity':'appActivity','newCommandTimeout':'8000','driver.class':''} selenium.singletone=methods

It opens the application and but the test case is skipped with error "Unable to create driver instance in 1st attempt"

Getting below error in appium server "UiAutomator exited unexpectedly with code 4294967183, signal null"

Priya335021 avatar Dec 26 '18 14:12 Priya335021

It looks issue with appium. Make sure you are able to inspect elements in Appium Desktop.

cjayswal avatar Dec 26 '18 20:12 cjayswal

Yes, able to inspect elements in Appium desktop. But unable to execute with appiumDriver. Please provide some suggestions to resolve the issue.

Priya335021 avatar Dec 27 '18 05:12 Priya335021

@Priya335021 will you please try with qaf latest (2.1.14) version and latest appium client version?

cjayswal avatar Mar 31 '19 02:03 cjayswal

closing as inactive.

cjayswal avatar Sep 11 '23 19:09 cjayswal