vscode-markdown-extended icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vscode-markdown-extended copied to clipboard

Extended syntaxes to built-in markdown & What you see is what you get exporter.

Markdown Extended Readme

version installs

Markdown Extended is an extension extends syntaxes and abilities to VSCode built-in markdown function.

Markdown Extended includes lots of editing helpers and a what you see is what you get exporter, which means export files are consistent to what you see in markdown preview, even it contains syntaxes and styles contributed by other plugins.


Post an issue on GitHub if you want other plugins.

Disable Plugins

To disable integrated plugins, put their names separated with ,:

"markdownExtended.disabledPlugins": "underline, toc"

Available names: toc, container, admonition, footnote, abbr, sup, sub, checkbox, attrs, kbd, underline, mark, deflist, emoji, multimd-table, html5-embed

Q: Why You Don't Integrate Some Plugin?

The extension works with other markdown plugin extensions (those who contribute to built-in Markdown engine) well, Both Preview and Export. Like:

The extension does not tend to do all the work, so just use them, those plugins could be deeper developed, with better experience.


Find in command palette, or right click on an editor / workspace folder, and execute:

  • Markdown: Export to File
  • Markdown: Export Markdown to File

The export files are organized in out directory in the root of workspace folder by default.

Export Configurations

You can configure exporting for multiple documents with user settings.

Further, you can add per-file settings inside markdown to override user settings, it has the highest priority:

        format: A4
        displayHeaderFooter: true
            top: 1cm
            right: 1cm
            bottom: 1cm
            left: 1cm
        quality: 90
        fullPage: true
contents goes here...

See all available settings for puppeteer.pdf, and puppeteer.image


Editing Helpers and Keys

Inspired by joshbax.mdhelper, but totally new implements.

Default Keyboard Shortcut bindings are removed due to conflict issues on platforms, please consider:

  • Switch to use command palette
  • Switch to use Snippets
  • Setup key bindings on your own
Command Keyboard Shortcut
Format: Toggle Bold ~~Ctrl+B~~
Format: Toggle Italics ~~Ctrl+I~~
Format: Toggle Underline ~~Ctrl+U~~
Format: Toggle Mark ~~Ctrl+M~~
Format: Toggle Strikethrough ~~Alt+S~~
Format: Toggle Code Inline ~~Alt+`~~
Format: Toggle Code Block ~~Alt+Shift+`~~
Format: Toggle Block Quote ~~Ctrl+Shift+Q~~
Format: Toggle Superscript ~~Ctrl+Shift+U~~
Format: Toggle Subscript ~~Ctrl+Shift+L~~
Format: Toggle Unordered List ~~Ctrl+L, Ctrl+U~~
Format: Toggle Ordered List ~~Ctrl+L, Ctrl+O~~
Table: Paste as Table ~~Ctrl+Shift+T, Ctrl+Shift+P~~
Table: Format Table ~~Ctrl+Shift+T, Ctrl+Shift+F~~
Table: Add Columns to Left ~~Ctrl+Shift+T, Ctrl+Shift+L~~
Table: Add Columns to Right ~~Ctrl+Shift+T, Ctrl+Shift+R~~
Table: Add Rows Above ~~Ctrl+Shift+T, Ctrl+Shift+A~~
Table: Add Row Below ~~Ctrl+Shift+T, Ctrl+Shift+B~~
Table: Move Columns Left ~~Ctrl+Shift+T Ctrl+Shift+Left~~
Table: Move Columns Right ~~Ctrl+Shift+T Ctrl+Shift+Right~~
Table: Delete Rows ~~Ctrl+Shift+D, Ctrl+Shift+R~~
Table: Delete Columns ~~Ctrl+Shift+D, Ctrl+Shift+C~~

Looking for Move Rows Up / Down?
You can use vscode built-in Move Line Up / Down, shortcuts are alt+↑ and alt+↓


Index Prefix Context View
0 underline _under_ line under line
1 mark ==mark== ==mark==
2 subscript ~sub~script ~sub~script
3 superscript ^super^script ^super^script
4 checkbox [] checkbox [ ] checkbox
4 tasklist - [] task [ ] tasklist
5 table Markdown Table
6 kbd <kbd>Keyboard</kbd> Keyboard
7 admonition note !!! warn
8 footnote [^abc]
[^abc]: ABC
9 container markdown container
10 abbr *[ABBR]: Abbreviation abbr
11 attr **attr**{style="color:red"} attr{style="color:red"}
12 color color <font color=red>red</font> color red

Table Editing



Move columns key bindings has been changed to ctrl+shift+t ctrl+shift+left/right, due to #57, #68

Paste as Markdown Table

Copy a table from Excel, Web and other applications which support the format of Comma-Separated Values (CSV), then run the command Paste as Markdown Table, you will get the markdown table.


Export & Copy


Extended Syntaxes


Inspired by MkDocs

Nesting supported (by indent) admonition, the following shows a danger admonition nested by a note admonition.

!!! note

    This is the **note** admonition body

    !!! danger Danger Title
        This is the **danger** admonition body


Removing Admonition Title

!!! danger ""
    This is the danger admonition body


Supported Qualifiers

note | summary, abstract, tldr | info, todo | tip, hint | success, check, done | question, help, faq | warning, attention, caution | failure, fail, missing | danger, error, bug | example, snippet | quote, cite

See also: Python-Markdown Documentation for Admonitions


  • Markdown Extended Readme
    • Features
    • Requirements
    • Demos


Here is a footnote reference,[^1] and another.[^longnote]

[^1]: Here is the footnote.
[^longnote]: Here's one with multiple blocks.

Here is a footnote reference,[1] and another.[2]


*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
*[W3C]:  World Wide Web Consortium
The HTML specification
is maintained by the W3C.

The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.


:   Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae.
Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae.

markdown-it-sup markdown-it-sub

29^th^, H~2~O

29th, H2O


[ ] unchecked
[x] checked


item **bold red**{style="color:red"}

item bold red








::::: container
:::: row
::: col-xs-6 alert alert-success
success text
::: col-xs-6 alert alert-warning
warning text


(Rendered with style bootstrap, to see the same result, you need the follow config)

"markdown.styles": [

Known Issues & Feedback

Please post and view issues on GitHub
