Results 20 issues of qiuzi

只有ipv6网络 这个软件请求全是v4 希望能支持ipv6网络

不管使用socks5或tproxy模式经过的ipv6地址都是错误 socks5: udp://%5B2404:6800:4009:82b::200a%5D:443 tproxy: ERROR TProxy startLoopUDP loop read failed {"error": "unable to obtain original destination: %!s()"}

Rt2880,mt7620 network drive with rgmii interface, but esw_rt3052 is not supported. How rt3052 and rgmii supports?

![image]( ![image]( The driver in the previous versions you can use in the latest version does not work


既然能分解http内容就应该支持转发吧?如果只为了对抗广告话是不会得到大众支持的 貌似privoxy就是不错的工具

Openwrt support system?

` cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=crypto cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=ssl cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=BORING_BSSL_INCLUDE_PATH --- stderr deps/boringssl/src/include/openssl/base.h:59:10: fatal error: 'stddef.h' file not found thread 'main' panicked at 'Unable to generate bindings: ClangDiagnostic("deps/boringssl/src/include/openssl/base.h:59:10: fatal error: 'stddef.h' file not found\n")', /home/sda3/openwrt/staging_dir/hostpkg/cargo/registry/src/ 是否缺少某个依赖?之前已安装libclang-dev