I meet the same problem. How do you solve this problem?
Have you solved the problem? I have the same problem
I also want to know how to generate the new caffemodle with my own database. Have you solved this problem? if yes, would you like to give me some suggestion?...
yes thank you. you are right! now, I have do this ,but i want to know what's your mean_value in train.prototxt. (shicai's mean_value: [103.94, 116.78, 123.68]......then, must I compute my...
OK, That may not be what I want . Thank you all the same
I know the reason now. The option "--sample_steps" constrain the training numbers. In the process, I set the sample_steps=50, thus it stop in 49...But, i don't know what it actually...
In the options, there are a '--sample_dir=dir'. That is mean, you must mkdir a directory, which named "dir".
I have recently encountered the same problem. Have you solved it? If you solve this problem, can you share the method? Thank you