Hi, I am testing other descriptors on HPatches. But as you discussed, the patches are already extracted using DoG and normalized to 65*65 pixels. In this case, how can I...
> > patch = keypoint > > @qiuweibo exactly. You can refer to my PR, where I explicitly tell OpenCV SIFT that keypoint is the center of the patch: >...
> Thanks Dmytro, just merged. Hi, I was thinking to using other image sequences (such as KITTI Dataset) to generate HPatches since my application is mostly on traffic. Is it...
> @qiuweibo for cases, when deep nets are SuperPoint-style, meaning that detector and descriptor are too tied to use my tricks, just try HSequences, like in D2Net or KeyNet papers...
> HSequences Thanks for your swift reply! I just checked out the paper that is very new and innovative and it evaluated many descriptors that I am interested in. But...
Hi, I am also planning to implement LIFT on **Kitti datasets**, since my project is about traffic objects; So I would really appreciate it if you have any progress on...
> I'm not asking for any kind of code support. > > At this point I've made some progress and I believe I have all intermediate h5 training files including...
> Remove > > ``` > good = [] > for m, n in matches: > if m.distance < 0.4*n.distance: > good.append([m]) > ``` Hi Professor, I have two questions:...
> > Why the NN-ratio test is harmful to LIFT? BF-Knn match return k best matches, and NN-ratio test is just picking up the good matches. Why it will affect...
> > Why the NN-ratio test is harmful to LIFT? BF-Knn match return k best matches, and NN-ratio test is just picking up the good matches. Why it will affect...