**请描述目前使用微信读书笔记助手遇到什么不便** 需要手动创建 Markdown 文档黏贴,不能直接存放进 Logseq/Obsidian 的文库 **理想情况下,笔记助手应该怎么做** 点击插件后选择全部导出,生成一个可以下载的 markdown 文件,根据提前设置好的路径下载下来。 这样,等有空编辑了,打开笔记软件后,文件已经在那里了。 **额外信息** 感谢!!这样真的很酷 很缺乏可以自动导出笔记且功能 OK 的 Epub 阅读器,微信读书目测是最好的选项
读秀的图书似乎无法被 JS 识别为书籍,显示还是网页
Hi, I am writing to request a new feature for your plugin. I would like to suggest adding support for the markdown files exported from Readwise, so that the plugin...
I already read the description and this [question](https://github.com/jlegewie/zotfile/issues/130) but still don't know how to write the right sentence. I've tried several times. the example "%4" doesn't seem like it matches...