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find_index_order return an incorrect ERI "IndexType"
- Qiskit Nature version: 0.7.2
- Python version: 3.9.19
- Operating system: Linux
What is happening?
From the module qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.tensor_ordering, the function find_index_order returns the wrong IndexType once the ERI is converted to PHYSICIST notation.
The problem arises from the following statement in the find_index_order function:
if isinstance(two_body_tensor, SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals):
return IndexType.CHEMIST
which checks if the two_body_tensor object is an instance of the SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals class. If the ERI is converted from CHEMIST to PHYSICIST notation (using to_physicist_ordering function) the returned object belong to the SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals class and the statement returns the wrong IndexType .
How can we reproduce the issue?
Generate an ERI that respect the permutation symmetry in CHEMIST notation
from qiskit_nature.second_q.drivers import PySCFDriver
from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import tensor_ordering, symmetric_two_body
driver = PySCFDriver()
problem = driver.run()
mo_hamiltonian = problem.hamiltonian
eri = symmetric_two_body.unfold(mo_hamiltonian.electronic_integrals.alpha["++--"])
It returns the CORRECT chemist index: IndexType.CHEMIST
Convert to PHYSICIST notation
eri_physicist = tensor_ordering.to_physicist_ordering(eri)
It returns the WRONG index: IndexType.CHEMIST
What should happen?
The correct result should be return: IndexType.PHYSICIST
Any suggestions?
Remove the following lines from find_index_order function:
from .symmetric_two_body import SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals
if isinstance(two_body_tensor, SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals):
return IndexType.CHEMIST
Alternatevely convert the output of _phys_to_chem and _chem_to_phys function as np.array(permuted_tensor)