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An efficient way to Detect genuine multipartite entanglement using reconstructed states from their classical shadows
- To study classical shadow
- To construct a circuit for the classical shadow on IBMQ quantum devices
- To apply the classical shadow for various entanglement witness methods
Entanglement is very important for all quantum communication and cryptography protocols, and an important resource for quantum technologies, such as quantum teleportation, quantum memory.. Therefore, detecting entanglement is at the heart of quantum information science. There are complexity problems in many detecting methods, however, classical shadows based on random Clifford measurements can speed up this search. In [1], they applied classical shadow method for the 3-qubit GHZ state. we will first follow this method, and next, try to do on more qubit systems, like 4, 5, 6, ...-qubits GHZ state.
For more practical purpose, we will try to detect bipartite entanglement based on the way from [3]. This way used local pauli measurement, so. it is experimentally plausible on IBMQ real quantum device. If we would have more time, we will try to follow the more optimized method from [4].
Additionally, I guess that we can apply the classical shadow method for the verifying method by [5] although there is no article about it. it would be fruitful to talk about it.
[1] Huang, Hsin-Yuan, Richard Kueng, and John Preskill. "Predicting many properties of a quantum system from very few measurements." Nature Physics 16.10 (2020): 1050-1057. [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.08953.pdf]
[2] Chen, Senrui, et al. "Robust shadow estimation." PRX Quantum 2.3 (2021): 030348.
[3] Elben, Andreas, et al. "Mixed-state entanglement from local randomized measurements." Physical Review Letters 125.20 (2020): 200501. [4] Neven, Antoine, et al. "Symmetry-resolved entanglement detection using partial transpose moments." npj Quantum Information 7.1 (2021): 1-12.
[5] Huang, Wei‐Jia, et al. "Mermin's inequalities of multiple qubits with orthogonal measurements on IBM Q 53‐qubit system." Quantum Engineering 2.2 (2020): e45.
# Members
- Qiskit Coach: @hjkwon9001
- @kjchoiquantum, e-mail : [email protected]
- @sagomoongchi
- @eungi20
GitHub repo
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